Charlotte's PoV - today is the day

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Oh my god! Megan and Billy are dead?! My heart is racing, so fast that each beat merges into one big thump. Jacob and I watch the demon escort the others to their deaths from a far balcony, medicine and bandages firm in our grasp.
   "We need to save them!" Exclaims Jacob, leaping into action but I pull him back to my side.
   "Are you crazy? You saw what that woman did to Megan, I don't want that to happen to you." I reply, watching as they waltz towards the hall where a violent death awaits them.
   "Well we can't just leave them. What do we do?" He asks, looking deeply into my eyes, they twinkle and glisten like pools of crystals, I dive in. "Hello? Are you there?" He adds, making me come back up for air. Snap out of it!
   "Take the supplies and guns they left, go back to the bus and see what happens from there." I say, painting a plan. He nods.
   "Then what?" He asks.
   "Wait and see." I reply, running down to the other supply cupboard with bin bags of bandages and pain killers slung over my shoulder, bouncing against my back with each step. Crouching down to pick up some food, I take some weapons left on the floor as Jake does the same. We nod at eachother when we've collected everything we could carry.
   "To the bus?" He asks, whispers, I nod in agreement as we sprint through the corridors to the escape, the bus.
As we grow closer to the garage, the sound of groans and deathly moans grow closer too. "Wait, what's that?" Asks Jake, the question we all want to know but dread to find the answer.
   "I, I don't know." I reply, shaking my head but still running, running like there's no tomorrow. Well, there might never be a tomorrow.
Door. Big door. The door to our escape. The groans are so loud; they make the door shudder. Jake stretches up to see through the door window and looks back at me with sheer shock and horror printed against his skin.
   "Jake." I cry, no response. "Jake?" I repeat, no response. "Jake!" I exclaim, snapping him back to reality.
   "Walkers. Everywhere." He says, each word barely makes a sound. I nod to him to give me a boost to see the horrors of the garage. 1 - 2 - 3. Up. I peak through the window and see a swarm of the dead, ambling across the window, releasing murmurs of death. Oh shit! There's Keoni! What's she doing?!
   "You ok up there?" Asks Jacob, gently lifting me down to the floor.
   "No, not really, Keoni's going into the herd!" I exclaim,
   "With a gun or-" says Jacob, but I interrupt him.
   "No, a baseball bat!" I cry in disbelief.
   "What the hell? We need to go in there."
   "It's a suicide mission!"
   "But we can't lose another person!"
He's right. We can't loose one more. We won't. You know what, fuck this.
   "Let's do this." I reply.
We both crouch down to the floor and picked up a weapon each. Jacob kicks open the door, revealing a hideous zombie film scene. What is she doing? She's just swinging that bat round and round, doing no damage. Bless her.
   "Keoni!" Bellow Jake, attracting the herd's attention.
   "Smart thinking, dumb arse." I say, absolutely shitting myself.
   "You know you love me." He replies, making me tut. Keoni instantly looks relieved. She scurries back to the bus and shuts the doors, leaving us with the mess; typical.
1 - 2 - 3.
Bullets and bullets launch from my gun and the sound of firing shots echo from Jake's direction. Zombie heads explode before my heads, splatters of green paint the garage. What a mess. Bang. There's another head. Bang. And another. Watching them burst sends shivers down my spine, I can't get used to this, I don't think I could ever get used to this. Nobody. Not even Jake after being brainwashed by that bitch. Focus Charlotte focus. Everything will be ok. Just kill them. They're already dead. You're not hurting them. You're not hurting them.
   "AH!" Bellows Jake, breaking me from my head, immediately, I look over to him and rush to his side.
   "Jake, are you ok?" I ask, no response, just a groan. "Jake, have you been bitten?" I ask, feeling zombies edge towards us. He violently shakes his head, lifts his hand from his shoulder and reveals a heavily bleeding bullet wound. Oh shit. "No, no, babe, I need you to press your hand against it, keep loads of pressure on it to reduce bleeding ok?" I ask, begging for him to be ok and praying that this injury wasn't my fault. He nods and places his hand back onto the wound. Zombies get closer. Closer. Closer. The smell of blood is attracting them like mad, like flies to a turd. I wave to Keoni, flailing my arms in the air for her to come and help. She nods and pushes open the doors. A pathway clear of zombies is in front of her and she rushes over to me and Jake.
   "Holy shit, what happened?" She asks, scrambling down to help me pick of Jake,
   "He's been shot, just, help me take him to the bus, I need to grab the supplies," I say, but she interrupts.
   "But there are still zombies, and too many supplies for you to carry!" She exclaims, picking up Jake, releasing a agonising cry, killing me on the inside.
   "Don't worry about me, there's only a few." I say, reaching down to grab bin bags of supplies. Run. Just fucking run. I can see Keoni panicking through the window, bless her. I violently bang on the doors, making her open them. "Take this!" I say, passing her a gun. "I need you to keep the doors open so I can give you supplies easily."
   "What?! Are you crazy?" She exclaims.
   "Maybe." I reply rushing down to get more supplies.
Another two exploded heads.
Another two bloody splatters.
Grab the supplies and return to the bus.
That was Keoni that time, keeping watch.
Her shot again.
Jackson takes the bags and takes them to the back of the bus.
Just one more bag.
All mine.
Grab the bag and run.
   "Hurry! Quick!" Exclaims Keoni, shooting another zombie, she grabs my arm and swiftly drags me into the bus, where Jake is sat up right on one of the seats. Pale, not well. Oh my god, I can't lose him. Like he said, we can't lose another. "Shit Charlotte,  I'm kind of freaking out." She adds, running her fingers through her hair with stress.
   "Yeah, you and me both." I reply, trying to stay calm for Jake.
   "What actually happened?" She asks, sitting on the seat in front of him, looking concerned.
   "Yes." Says Jackson from the back of the bus, both of us look at him for answers. "He fired a bullet at the bus, bounced right back into his shoulder." He explains as Jake releases another grown on pain.
   "Oh god, what can we do?" Asks Keoni, trying her best to come up with a plan.
   "Err, I don't know but he's loosing blood fast. We need something that will absorb all the blood." I says, applying pressure onto the wound.
   "You've got bags and bags of medical supplies there, couldn't you just patch it up?" Says Jackson, sincerely.
   "You make it sound easy, but I'm no doctor. The bullet's in too deep, there's too much blood, bandages won't heal when they're soaked in blood." I explain, losing time. I just want to save him. Anything - anythi -
   "Tampons." Say Keoni. Instantly puzzling both of us.
   "What?" Asks Jackson, the question I was asking in my head.
   "Well, you said you need something to absorb blood. Isn't that what tampons do?" Suggests Keoni, so innocently.
   "Ew, no." Replies Jackson, shaking his head, making Keoni feel stupid and worthless.
   "No, Jackson, she's right! Holy shit, Jake, baby, we're going to save you." I explain, smiling with tears in my eyes. So happy that he has a chance, a chance that Megan, Billy and Chris didn't. Bless them. Bless all of them.
   "Oh my god, I can't believe this!" Cries Jackson in a fit of laughter, making us all laugh, realising that we're all going to make it. All because of a tampon. Jus one moment, and it doesn't feel like the end of the world, with laughter, it just cures everything. Even though Jake is in pain.
Keoni stretches her hand out to me, a tampon in the middle of her palm, making me chuckle,
   "You're going to be fine ok?" I say, he nods with the look of pain on his face. "Ok, this is going to hurt, 1 - 2 - 3." I say, preparing me for the procedure. Pushing in the tampon into his wound, the blood instantly stops but the screams of agony grow. It's over. The bleeding has stopped. "Hopefully that's done the trick. Keoni, get two painkillers from one of the bags and a bottle of water." I command, she nods in response. "Right, does anyone know how to drive this thing?" I ask, confusing both Jackson and Keoni.
   "Why?" Asks Jackson, creeping to the front of the bus.
   "Well, I know Hunter's Dad thought him how to drive trucks." Suggests Keoni.
   "Nope." I reply, making them even more confused. "I need a driver to save him. And the others."

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