A taste of freedom

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We return to class and Miss is gone. What? Where is she?! How come she's allowed to leave and we can't! There must be more to this damn 'lock down', there must be. Miss Pain is behind us, glaring with her evil beady eyes.
   "It's lunch Miss! Surely lock down doesn't affect our diet!?" Megan says, with puppy dog eyes like the 'saint' she thinks she is. But her magic teacher's pet skills somehow let us have lunch. We all walk silently to our lockers to grab sandwiches and crisp packets. Megan fetches a bag of chocolate buttons and hides them in her blazer pocket before Miss Pain takes them and stuffs them in her gob. We giggle at Megan but are immediately silenced by a teacher. But, we manage to make our way to a quiet table in the corner. Me, Ella, Mia and Megan at one end. At the other is Jess, Keoni (always decorated with the biggest grin) and Lottie (she may be tiny but she has a massive personality) listening into our conversation. We look at them awkwardly to see if they'll move away, but they are determined to listen to what we have to say. We ignore them.
   "Right, I don't know about you," I am paused by Megan singing,
   "~But I'm feeling 22~" we all glare at her to shut up.
   "Shut up Megan, we could be in deep shit here. Go on Charlotte." Mia says, agitated and scared.
   "Do we have to use that language?" Ella asks innocently as a demon walks past. We all shush her, desperate to not get in trouble. As all of this is going on, I sit there, waiting for a chance to speak. "Sorry" Ella whispers.
   "Sorry, Ella, I shouldn't speak like that." Mia replies, feeling guilty of her previous statement, Ella smiles at her.
   "Is it just me or does it smell like burnt toast?" Megan says out of no where, which is something she does ALL THE TIME.
   "SHHHHHHH" we all exclaim to Megan.
   "Carry on, Charlotte." Ella says opening her crisp packet.
   "As I was saying," I continue, hoping to not be disturbed by my best friends' bickering. "I don't believe this is just a drill, there must be more too this."
   "Yeah I agree," Mia pauses to eat a crisp, "all the teachers have been acting bitchier," Ella glares at her, "I meant to say stricter than before." Megan and Ella sit there confused.
   "But didn't Sir say in French 'it's just a drill' to you." Ella asks, scared and confused.
   "He's probably lying!" Mia replied immediately.
   "Why would Sir lie? And even Ms Dredge said it was a drill as well. I'm sure we'll be fine." Megan says, annoyingly calm.
   "Guys! Just shut up. If we do some investigating, we'll probably find all the answers. Ok?" I ask, hoping for some help, cos I am determined to find out what the fuck is going on. Megan and Ella sit, shaking their heads, confident that they won't help and that it's all fine. Mia turns to them,
   "Come on! We have to find answers, you must want to know what's going on!" Mia exclaims.
   "We know what's going on" Megan says, confident that everything is ok.
   "It's just a drill." Ella finishes Megan's sentence, they look at each other with big smiles on their faces. Mia tuts in disgust.
   "Well I'll help you," Mia says, looking at me with hope in her eyes.
   "I'll help too!" Jess butts into our conversation with a massive grin on her face.
   "Me three!" Keoni adds on with her hand straight in the air. We all look at Lottie, hoping she'll help us.
   "No way, not a chance! I don't want to get in trouble." She says at he end of the bench, cowardly.
   "Thankyou, Lottie, you're right! Come and sit with us." Ella replies, gesturing Lottie to sit between her and Megan.
   "Fine, come on let's go guys." Mia says, walking a head. I look back at Ella, waving 'possibly' the last time.
   "Ahh, it's nice to have at least a taste of freedom." She says, taking a deep breath, linking arms with Keoni as support.

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