Peter - Spiderman Converse

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Peter's chin rested lazily on his hand as he stared dreamily across the lunch hall. His brown eyes were unfocused, his hair almost flopping in his face and yet he didn't seem to care. His attention was fixed on the figure of a girl chatting to her friends on the other side of the room. Y/N.

"Did Liz get a new top?"

"Hm?" Peter looked up slowly, reluctantly looking over at his best friend, Ned Leeds.

"Did Liz get a new top?" the boy repeated, watching as the senior fiddled with the huge Homecoming banner hanging on the wall. Peter glanced quickly at her before turning his attention back to Y/N.

"Don't know. I'm pretty sure Y/N did though."

"I'm sure we've seen that before," mumbled Ned, still staring at Liz. "But never with that skirt."

"Y/N's got Spiderman on her converse," Peter said quietly, brighting up. "I wonder if she likes him?"

"I'm pretty sure she does," Ned told him. "I mean, Liz does."

"But Y/N's not Liz. She differant. She's ... perfect."

"Whatever you say, Pete. Anyway, I guess we should probably stop stating at them before it gets creepy."

"Too late."

Both boys looked up, towards the other side of the table. Michelle Jones eyed them, unimpressed.

"You guys are losers."

Peter shrugged while Ned replied," Then why do you sit with us?"

"Because I don't have any friends."

"Y/N's your friend," Peter countered. Michelle shrugged.

"Yeah, but those others girls she's talking to aren't. And I'd rather sit alone then with them."

"That's sad," Ned commented.

Michelle made a face. "Yeah, but I like it. So piss off."


As soon as the bell rang, Peter was up out of his seat and after bidding Ned good luck for his calculus quiz, walked as fast as he could to his only shared class with Y/N, AP Biology.

When he got there, he sat down quietly in his usual seat at the bench at the back of the class and prepared to split his concentration between taking down notes, answering the teacher's many questions and staring at the back of (Y/N)'s head. However, when the Biology teacher walked in everyone was surprised to see Flash Thompson trailing dejectedly after her.

Peter sat up straighter as the teacher caught his eye.
"Mr Parker?"

"Yes ma'am?"

The teacher glared at Flash, who hung his head.
"There have been quite a few complaints surrounding Flash's seating arrangement. Would you be willing to swap places with him?"

Peter's eyes widened and he hastily nodded.
"Uh, sure."

"Thank you."
The teacher nodded to Flash, who began to make his way to were Peter was sitting, dragging his feet as much as possible.
Peter himself hastily scrabbled around, trying collecting his books before Flash reached him, knowing that the other boy would definately have more then as few nasty comments to make.
Luckily, he managed to escape just before Flash got to his desk, and hurried as quickly as he could to Flash's old spot.

Gently placing his books down on the desk, he sat down, throwing a small smile to the girl sitting next to him. She returned it and he felt his heart beat a little faster.

There weren't many things that could make Peter freeze in his tracks. However, Y/N's smile was defiantely one of them. It created adorable dimples in her cheeks and showed off her beautiful teeth. And it took his breath away.

All too soon class was over and Peter left the lab with a wide grin on his face. Never before had he enjoyed AP Biology so much.


Later that night, Peter stood atop one of the tall apartment buildings in Queens, his mask off and a light breeze rustling through his hair. The sky was dark and the only sounds to be heard was the distant rumble of car engines. This was Peter's favourite time of day. When he could just sit back and relax while looking out over the skyline of New York.

Suddenly out of the corner of his eye, Peter caught a glimpse of a familiar figure. His eyes narrowed and he stood up a little straighter, craning his neck.

Y/N was walking slowly along the sidewalk. Her head was down, earphones in her ears and the hood of her jacket was pulled up but Peter was sure it was her. He could recognise that walk and the Spiderman converse anywhere.

Peter frowned, watching intently as the girl walked slowly along the street. Why was she out this late? She still had her school backpack with her, meaning that she probably hadn't even been home yet. And with the dragging feet and drooped head, she almost looked ... sad?

Getting up, Peter pulled on his mask and quickly began to follow the girl, leaping from rooftop to rooftop, only stopping when she stopped at a busy intersection.

A small crowd had gathered around her, all people waiting to cross the road. Peter watched carefully as Y/N gingerly eyed everyone around her, shuffling slightly to keep some space between them and herself. She was at the front, closest to the road, waiting for the light to go red so she could cross the street.

Loud footsteps suddenly rang out in the night air and a few people let out cries of alarm as a figure rushed past them, shoving them out of his way.

"He's got my handbag!" someone yelled loudly, pointing after the man. The crowd insantly pulled back, everyone hustling away from the thief. They jostled Y/N back, and she stumbled backwards out onto the road with a small yelp, the souls of her Spiderman converse scraping against the tarmac.

The lights of an on-coming truck flashed, it's horn blaring widely. Y/N tumbled to the ground, right in its path.

Peter acted on instinct. Leaping off the building, he shot webbing from his wrists and swung across the road, his arm wrapping securely around Y/N's waist and pulling her off the ground just in time. 
The tuck shot past behind the pair, and Peter felt the whoosh of air across his back, ruffling Y/N's hair and sending shivers down his spine. His feet landed steadily on the ground as he cradled Y/N in his arms.

The girl was frozen, still paralysed with shock. Peter gently tucked one of her stray hairs behind her ear, searching her scared eyes.

"Are you OK?" he asked in concern. Y/N blinked and nodded. Looking up, she stared straight into Peter's masked eyes in a look that made the boy's heart pound.
"Thank you."

Peter tipped his head slightly.
"Always a pleasure Y/N. If you ever need anything, just call me."

With that, he leapt into the sky again, swinging away down the street in pursuit of the criminal who had almost caused the death of the girl with the Spiderman converse.

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