Tom - Shape of you

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(Y/F/N) - Your friends name


"I'm in love with the shape of you."

The song ends and you grin widely, hopping up out of your crouching pose. You are the leader of a famous dance group that performs all around the world and you have just finished your most highly anticipated performs at Coachella. A new dance to Ed Sheerans song, Shape of you.

You were very nervous to perform this dance because it was very hard and loads of famous celebrities would be watching but now, it's over. You know that you nailed it and you couldn't be happier.

As you troop off the stage, your best friend, who is also part of the dance group, leaps up behind you, grinning.

"That was awesome!" she giggles and you smile at her, excitmen fizzing inside you.

"I know! I'm actually kind of sad that it's over."

(Y/F/N) nods eagerly, her hair swishing around. "Totally! Plus, I'm sure that I saw Kendall and Kylie Jenner in the crowd watching us! How crazy is that?"

You chuckle."Yes, yes, that is crazy! I hope they were impressed."

(Y/F/N) whacks you lightly on the arm as you two make your way out into the crowds of people walking around. "What do you mean? Of course they were impressed! They were watching you in the front and you are amazing!"

You blush, looking down at your white Super Stars and shake your head. "Please, I'm just as good as everyone else."

However, (Y/F/N) shakes her head. "No, you're not! Why do you think you're the leader?"

You open your mouth to answer when a shout rings out from somewhere to your right. Your eyes narrows as you glance in that direction, trying to find the source.


You finally see a few boys, who look quite young, standing in a group. One of they grins wickedly at you and you know that he's the one who shouted.

"What?" you yell back, silently pray that it's nothing bad.

"My friend thinks you're hot!" he replies, smirking. Your eyes widen as you search the group. One of the boys raises his eyybrows and sends you a smirk. You immediatly know that it was him and your stomach flutters slightly. He is really good looking, with deep brown eyes, thick brown hair and a well muscled body.

"Well, tell him I think he's hot too!" you call back before walking at, (Y/F/N) jogging beside you, giggling.

"Did you really just say that?" she asks as the group of boys disappear into the crowd behind you and you smirk.

"Yes I did."


You sit on the ground with (Y/F/N) and a few other girls from your dance group, watching as the sun slowly goes down. As the girls quietly gossip around you, you don't bother to listen to them. You mind keeps drifting back to the brunette boy you saw earlier. He just won't get out of yoru head.

Suddenly, all the girls fall silent around you. At first you don't notice, and then (Y/F/N) taps you on the shoulder.

You send her a questioning look and she nods her head in the dorection behid you. You narrow you eyes and turn around, to see the same group of boys from before. The brunette is muttering quietly to his frined, the one who yellled at you earlier, and looks really un-sure about something. Finally, one of the other guys shoves his shoulder lighty and says something, causing the brunette to step forward towards your group.

As he slowly approaches, you can almost feel all the girls tensing around you, readying themselves for his arrival.

Finally, he stops about a meter away from you. "Uh, hey." he says, looking down at you. You blink at him before feeling (Y/F/N) poke you sharply in the back and scramble to your feet.

"Hey," you say uncertainly, awkwardly rubbing your hands together.

"Um, look, I'm really sorry about earlier." he says quietly and you tilt your head to the side, a smile ghosting your lips.

"Nah, don't worry about it," you mutter and he also smile. Holding out a hand to you, a smirk appears on his face as he says, "I'm Tom."

You smirk as well, mirroring his actions and shke his hand. "(Y/N)."

He glances behind you the dance group before his eyes flicker back to yours. "I saw you dance. You were...pretty amazing."

You blush and look at your feet, suddenly remembering how over sexualised the dance was. "Thank you, we try our best."

He lets out a sigh. "Look, I actually only came over here for one thing."

You raise an eyebrow, your stomach dropping slightly. "and, what is that?"

"Uh...Can I have your number?" he aks in a rush, his cheeks slightly pink. Your lips curl into a real smile and you nod yoru head vigourusly. "Sure."

He beams, pulling out his phone. "Great." Handing the phone to you, he waits while you enter your number before grinning. Slipping the phone back into his pocket, he slowly starts to back away.

"Well, I'll...uh...see you around."

You grin, also moving back to you friends. "You too."

He gives a mini salute, smirking, before turning around and striding back to his friends, who all have massive grins on their faces. You sit back down with your group, who all crowd around you, asking millions of questions. You vaguly answer them but all you can really think about is the fact that you gave your number to this guy, which means that you would be able to contact him very soon. Even though you ahd just met him, you had a feeling that is wasn't over, that you two were going to become great friends and maybe even more.

Sorry, another Tom one. I just got this idea during Spanish and had to write it down! Not edited. Follow me on Loopsey David                                                                                          

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