Peter - You know Spiderman Pt2

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I have sort of changed the story in this one shot so I don't think it has any particular spoilers for Homecoming. Let me know if I'm wrong though.

"Ned, where the hell is Peter?"

It had been over three hours since you saw Peter. The party was getting louder and more wild as Flash had decided to start up a chant of 'Penis Parker'. No one had seen the boy for hours and you were starting to feel seriously pissed off. Where the hell was he?

Ned shrugged helplessly, his eyes wide. You eyed him suspiciously, sensing something off about the boy.

However, before you could say anything more, there was a loud shriek of excitment and then a figure clothed in red and blue landed in front of Flash.

You're eyes widened in shock and you felt your whole body freeze up. Spiderman was here. Here. Spiderman was here, at your party. Spiderman was at your party.

"Hey everyone," said Spiderman, walking across the room. All the guests parted before him, clearing a path. Towards you and Ned.

As he stopped in front of you, you couldn't help the way your eyes trailed over his body. You had never met him before, apart from a time he pulled you out the way of a speeding motorbike, and to be this close to him now ...

Suddenly you frowned. To be this choose to him now made a weird feeling of familiarity wash over you. There was just something about him ... something that made you think you'd talked to him like this before. That you were friends.

But that was impossible. You had never spoken more than two sentences to Spiderman.

"Hey (Y/N)," Spiderman said. You were slightly taken aback that he even knew your name but his voice made you blush anyway. Betty was right. You were definately crushing on Spiderman.

"Uh, hey," you said, smiling lightly.

"I just thought I would swing by and say hey to Peter. He's somewhere here, isn't he?"

Something flicked in your brain at the mentin of Peter's name but you couldn't tell what it was.

"Um, he was here earlier," you said quietly, your eyes scanning the room. "But I have no idea where he is now."

Spiderman also looked around, and it was then did you notice that his movements had a slight jerk to them, almost seeming forced. Not many people would be able to pick up on something like that but you had a tendancy to notice small and weird details.

Why would he be forcing himself to look around the room?

"L-last I saw Peter, he was by the pool," Ned said timidly, his voice wavering slightly. You pursed your lips, your eyes narrowing again. Why the hell was everyone acting so weird tonight?

"Oh well, I suppose I'd better get going then," Spiderman said shrugging. "Wish I could stay but ... duty calls. Great party though,."

You nodded slowly. "Thanks for stopping by."

"Anytime, (Y/N)," Spiderman said, his one eyes winking at you. You blushed profoundly and forced down a giggled as he leap up into the air and swung away. You stared after him in awe, your heart thudding.

"No way! His suit is defiantely much cooler than Captain America's!"

"But have you seen Thor's outfit? That is by far the best!"

"I still like the Iron Man suit the most."

You were sitting nest to your pool, surrounded by your friends. It had been a few hours since Spiderman's appearance and you had been quiet and brooding ever since. Around you, your friends playfully agreed about which Avengers they preferred. Usually, you were happy to join in on any fun surrounding the Avengers but right at that moment, your mind was somewhere else.

Peter hadn't returned to the party yet and you couldn't help but feel as though his disappearance was somehow linked to something bigger. To you, it seemed as though the answer was staring you right in the face but every time you tried to grab it, it moved just out of reach.


You jumped as Ronette snaps her fingers in front of your face. Blinking, you looked over at her and she jerked her head in the direction of the snaps table in answer.

Turning around, your eyes widened when you saw none other than Peter standing with Ned. His eyes were sparkling and he seemed a lot happier than before. You shot Ronette a quick look of thanks before leaping to your feet and walking towards the two boys, determination set in your features. You were going to get some answers out of Peter.

Sorry it's bad, part three is on the way

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