Peter/ He thinks you're dead Pt. 3

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 You sit next to Peter on the couch, watching a movie. You head is resting on his lap while he plays with your hair. Even though it sents shivers running through you, it's not a romanic gesture. You and Peter are just really good friends.

None of your memories have come back and you can see that Peter is starting to give up. He is accepting that you won't ever be the same person you were.

"(Y/N), what do you feel towards me?"

The question startles you out of your comfortable doze and you lift your eyes to his.

"Um..." you wet your lips. "You're my best friend and like a brother." The truth just not the whole thing.

He gazes at you, his brown eyes soft and slightly...sad?

"Is that all?"

You bite your lip. "Yes."

Peter looks away. "Ok," he mutters and goes back to your hair. You can't help but feel guilty for lying to him but you don't want to ruin your friendship by telling him and he doesn't feel the same way.

Peter's POV

Peter feels his heart break. His (Y/N) is gone. His (Y/N) had loved him as more than just a brother and best friend. She had loved him as a boyfriend. And now she is gone, replaced by a shadow.

But, as Peter's fingers run through (Y/N)'s hair, he feels the young girl shudder against him. Something that old (Y/N) would do when he touched her. Suddenly, on impulse, he pushes her so that she is sitting up and then smashes his lips into hers.

Fireworks pop in Peter's stomach as he feels (Y/N) kiss him back. His hands move from her arms to her hips as he turns his body so that (Y/N) can straddle his waist. Her petite fingers curl into his hair, making Peter moan and (Y/N) smiles into the kiss.

Finally, when they both need air, the kiss is broken and Peter leans his forehead on (Y/N)'s. "I love you, (Y/N). Alway have, always will."

Your POV

Your whole body jerks at Peter's words. Images flash in your head and your eyes widen. You look back at Peter, a smile tugging on your lips.

"The first time you said that to me, we were on top of the school."

Peter's eyes turn wide and you giggle. "(Y/N)?" he asks shakily. You press your lips to his again for a few seconds before muttering," It's me. The real me."

Peter chuckles and buries his head in your neck, pressing feather light kisses to your skin. You moan and tilt you head, giving him more access.

"I love you," you mutter as you tighten your hands in his hair. He sucks at your tender skin in responce, making you wimper. His lips finally lock onto yours again as you move backwards,, letting him climb out from under you. He pulls you to your feet, not breaking the kiss once and hoists you up easily. You wrap your legs around his waist and kiss him with all you have. He quickly moves down the hallway to the doorway of your bedroom.

Pulling away from you, only long enough to slam the door behind you, he pushes you onto the bed...

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