Tom - Playing chicken on the railway tracks

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"Are you sure you have to go?"

"For the last time, Y/N, yes. I don't think I can play Spiderman while I'm sitting in London and they're shooting in Atlanta."

"But I'm going to be lonely!"

Tom grinned, ruffling up your hair. You pushed his hand away, pouting.

"I'm starting to think that you actually like me, Y/L/N."

"What're you talking about? We both know I can't stand you!"


You shoved his arm playfully before your face turned serious.
"I'm going to miss you."

Tom drew you into a hug, nuzzling his nose into your hair and closing his eyes.
"It's only a few months. I'll be back before you know it."

"I wish you didn't have to go at all," you whined. Tom sighed.
"I know. I wish that too."
Letting go of your body, he stepped backwards.
"Try not to forget me while I'm gone, okay?"

You grinned and leaned up to press a kiss to the side of his mouth.

"Oh, no, you don't." Tom drew you back towards him, pressing a strong kiss to your lips.
"I love you."

"I love you too, Thomas."

That was three months ago.

You sat alone in your apartment in London, staring sullenly out the window at the grey sky. Rain pelted down outside, pounding relentlessly on the glass windowpane and - if it was possible - making your mood even darker.

It had been three months since your boyfriend had left to shoot Spiderman: Homecoming and three months since you had seen him last.
Even though you were extremely proud of him, not having him around still hurt almost to much to bare. Phone calls, facetimes, nothing could substitute for having him next to you and you had been counting down the days until he got home.

Which happened to be in less than a weeks time.

However, as much as you wanted to meet him at the airport and throw yourself into his arms the moment he stepped off the plane, you knew that you couldn't. Partly because the public and press didn't know about your relationship yet. But more importantly because your families didn't know.

It hasn't really been an active decision to keep the fact that you were together from your parents and siblings, rather you just hadn't found a way to tell them yet.

Getting to your feet, you walked through your apartment to your bedroom. Having only just got home yourself from your own movie three days ago, your suitcase was still sitting in the corner of the room, yet to be unpacked. In all honestly, you didn't know why you hadn't done it yet and it had been irking you since the moment you arrived home.

Sitting down on your bed, you closed your eyes and let out a long sigh. It was almost Christmas, only three days to go, and knowing that created a deep ache in your heart.
Christmas had always been the holiday you spent together. And yet, now, he want here.

Laying back onto the cool sheets, you listened quietly to the sound of the rain. It was so peaceful you felt as though you could almost go to sleep, even though it was only five thirty in the evening. In fact, you wished you would, hoping to escape all the stress and heartache that you had experienced over the past couple of months.

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