Peter - Highschool crush (Pt.3)

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Hey everyone! I was originally planning to only upload this next week Wednesday or maybe on Sunday but because everyone has been commenting and asking for it, I decided to give it to you early. Sorry it it's crap!

Third Person POV

All over New York, people rushed in shock over to their televisions flickered on. At first, there was no picture, only static lines, but then the imagines cleared and focused.

It showed a unearthly tall, skeletol man with paper white skin and black eyes standing over the boy of a young girl. The girl's eyes were closed and she would have looked peacful if there wasn't a gun being pointed at her head.

"This," started the tall man, his black eyes menacing, "is (Y/N). She is just a normal 23 year old girl. Some of you may know her as the girl at Starbucks who works part time on Mondays and Wednesdays. She is a very nice girl but, unfortunately for her, she just happened to be at the wrong place in the wrong time. So now she is my leverage."

The skeletol man's eye seemed to burn with a dark fire. "Spider-Man, I now speak to you. You have until exactly twelve o'clock to reveal your identity or this girl dies. Do not underestimate me."

The video ended and all the TV, phone, tables and computer screens shattered. People screamed, cried or just sat, staring numbly ahead of them, too scared to do anything.

Who was this man. Why did he want Spider-Man? As a matter of fact, where was Spider-Man. No one had seen him in years. Was he still in New York. Was he even still alive?

Your POV

Pain overwhelmes you senses as you regain conciousness and you let out a groan. There is a cold laugh from behind you and your muscles immediatly tense. Something cold presses into the back of your head and your eyes widen. You know exactly what that is. It is the barrel of a gun.

"I wouldn't move is I were you," says a voice and you wave of fear immediatly passes through you. However, you refuse to show it.

"And why wouldn't I move?"

The voice chuckles against and the gun barrel is pressed even harder into the back of your head.

"Because," it says, laced with venom. "If you move, I will have to kill you before Spider-Man gets here and I don't want that."

You frown in confusion. "Spider-Man? Gets here? What are you talking about?"

Skeleton Man suddenly comes into your view, the barrel of the gun moving back slightly as he shifts his position.

"Well, while you were still asleep, I sent out a message to the population of New York. I told Spider-Man that if he didn't reveal his identity to the public, I would kill you."

A shiver shoots down your spine but you ignore it, refusing to show any fear. "But why would he come here?"

Skeleton man smiles, his black eyes burning. "Spider-Man is not going to reveal his identity, I know that, I'm not stupid. Instead, I filmed my video in an extremly obvious place. However, only Spider-Man will know it. He is probably on his way here right now to save you. And when he arrives, I am going to kill him."

You glare at him. "You wish!"

A snarl curls at Skeleton man's lips before he quickly hitches his smile back on his face. "We'll see about that."

Getting to his feet, he walks away from you. You are about to leap up feet but then, you feel a second needle in your back.

"God dammit," you mutter to yourself before your eyes slip closed for the second time that day.

Sorry it's short and boring. PART 4 WILL BE HERE SOON!

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