Peter / Civil War Pt. 5 (Final part)

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(Y/H/C) - Your hair colour
(Y/N/N) - Your nick name
Since Peter found out your secrect, things have been easier. You got the files you were after and left school but since you are still in New York, you meet up with Peter every afternoon. Sometimes you will even go on his nightly rounds with him, to check that everything is OK.

That's how you got up here. Both you and Peter are sitting on the roof of a random building, gazing down at the busy street. The sky is dark, the stars twinkling above you and you couldn't be more relaxed.

Your eyelids begin to droop and you lean your head on Peter's shoulder, you (Y/H/C) hair hanging across your face.

"Are you tired, (Y/N/N)?" askes Peter, reaching our to brush your hair away from your eyes.

You slowly nod your head, your eye still closed. Peter chuckles, his fingers fighting with his Spider-Man mask in his hands.

"Do you wanna go back?"

However, you shake your head, tiredly looking up at him. "Nah, Wanda moping around, Scottish being super annoying and Steve and Sam are just no fun. I'd rather stay here with you."

He nods, becoming silent as he stares down at the street. Sleep begins to overcome you again but just before you completely drift off, a voice breaks through your haze and you are back.

"I know that I won't ever to be able to say this in person." it begins. You keep your eyes closed, wanting to listen.

"I can fight criminals, leap off buildings and catch 6000 pounds with ease but I'm too scared to tell you one simple statement in person. I know you don't understand how much you mean to me, (Y/N). But it's not your fault, how could you know? I always keep it hidden."

There is a long sigh.

"But I guess, now that you're asleep, I can finally say it. I'm think I'm in love with you, (Y/N). I've liked you ever since that fight in Germany and realising it was you at school made me happier than I have ever been. And I know you don't feel the same way, so that is why I have to tell you now, while you're asleep, to keep our friendship from being ruined."

The hairs on the back of your neck prickle as you feel warm breath on your face. Your eyes flicker open just as Peter's soft lips brush lightly against yours.

Your eyes widen before sliding closed again. Slowly, you kiss him back.

Peter pulls away, shock filling his eyes.

"Wha-? W-why?" he asks, utterly bewildered.

You smile ightly at him, lifting your head and running your hand up onto his shoulder. "Because, I think I love you too."

Slowly, you lean forward again and press you lips back to his. He is frozen for a second before responding, kissing you back with passion. As your fingers tangle into his soft brown hair, his grip tightly at your waist.

When you break apart, you lean your forehead on his, your chest heaving.

"OK, now I'm sure." he whispers softly. "I do love you."

You chuckle, looking into his brown eyes. "Right back at ya."

Sorry it's short. Thank you so much for the 9k reads!!!!!!! I love you so much!!!!!!!!!

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