Harrison Osterfield - Drunk in love (Pt.2)

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For everyone who wanted Part 2. Hope you like.

You squirmed slightly as Harrison placed you gently down on his bed. Considering that your roommate was off visiting her parents and would be away for close to a week, Harrison had decided that it would be better to bring you back to his place. In your drunken state, there was no telling what you could get up to and Harrison wasn't willing to take that risk.

"Come on (Y/N)," he muttered quietly, gently shaking your shoulder.
"You need to wake up."

"Nooo," you mumbled, rolling over and burying your face in the pillow.

"You need to get changed. You can't sleep in those clothes."

"Hm, fine," you said and began to feel around for the zip of your dress. "Help me, will you?"

Harrison stood uncomfortably for a second before leaning down and talking hold of the zip. Your hand fell to your side as he gently pulled it downwards, exposing your back.

As you gingerly shuffled out of your dress and shoes, Harrison went to his cupboard and grabbed one of his hoodies. After bringing it back to you, he turned away as you sloppily pulled it over your head before laying back and closing your eyes.

Harrison gently pulled the covers over your body and leaned forward to kiss your forehead.

"Goodnight, (Y/N)," he whispered quietly and was about to leave the room to make himself a bed on the sofa when a softly spoken word from you stopped him.


Harrison instantly looked up. No matter how much his instincts were clamoring for him to listen to you, he was apprehensive. This was drunk-you talking and he had no idea what sober-you would do in the morning if you woke up with him beside you.

"I don't think that's the best idea, (Y/N). You'll probably slap me when you're sober."

"Stay!" you insisted, opening your eyes and looking at him. "Please."

Harrison sighed, knowing that he couldn't resist those pleading - if slightly unfocused and hazy - eyes.

"Fine," he mumbled, moving around to the other side of the bed. "Just don't kill me tomorrow."

As soon as the young man slid stiffly under the covers, you rolled over and snuggled your face into his neck, wrapping your arms tightly around him and pulling his body closer to you.

Harrison stiffened, surprised by your move. He tried not to notice the feeling of your hand on his chest. He tried not to acknowledge the goosebumps that appeared where your lips gently brushed his neck. He tried not to feel the general closeness of your body to his and how it made his heart pound.

A drunken smile slowly stretched across your face as you took a deep breath in.

"You smell nice," you told him quietly before promptly falling straight to sleep.

Harrison chuckled as he reached up to stroke your hair.
"Good to know, (Y/N)."


The next morning you woke with a start. Your eyes shot open and you barely had time to register that this was not your room before a wave of nausea hit you, along with a splitting headache.

Groaning loudly, you rolled over and covered your head with the duvet. Squeezing your eyes tight shut, you took a few deep breaths as you decided what to do.

You had gone out last night. Judging by your headache and the few drinks you remembered having, you had gotten drunk. And since you were now in a bed in someone's bedroom that was not your own, you concluded that you had gone home with someone and ended up having a one night stand.

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