Tom - Sick or ... something else

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Hey everyone! I'm finally back! I'm so sorry that I hae been so absent recently, I've just been really busy with school and musical practice. Thank you all so much for the 5k votes, I literally had a freak out when I got onto Wattpad and saw it. You guys are all amazing! Hope you enjoy this!

(Y/BF/N) -  best friend's name

You let out a loud groan. Every muscle in your body seemed to feel stiff and heavy. The slight feeling of nausea and trickled through you and you closed your eyes. You had been feeling like this for a couple of days now and it had caused a ball of dread to begin growing in your stomach. You knew what these symptoms could mean.

However, you chose to ignore what your gut was telling you and instead brushed it of as sickness.

"It's just the flu," you told yourself. "I'm just sick. In a few days it will pass and I'll be back to normal."

But no matter how many times you did it, you couldn't get yourself to believe it.

Sitting up, you checked the time on your phone and cursed loudly as you realised that you were supposed to be meeting your best friend for coffee in fifteen minutes and you weren't even out of bed yet.

Half an hour later you were sitting in Starbucks with your friend. You were trying your best to act normal, not let any of your sick feelings show. But (Y/BF/N) had known you forever and she could tell when something was wrong.

"Are you feeling OK?" she asked, concern flashing in her eyes. "You haven't been yourself."

You sighed and ran a hand through your hair, letting your walls came down and dropping the and ctrl completely.

"No," you mumbled. "For the past few days I haven't been feeling that great."

"Have you seen a doctor?" (Y/BF/N) asked. You shook your head.

"No. I ... I don't think I'm sick."

(Y/BF/N)'s eyes widened and she leaned forward. "You mean, you think you're ... When last did you and Tom ...?"

You bit your lip as you thought about your boyfriend.

"A few days ago. Just before I started feeling sick."

(Y/BF/N) let out a breath. "Shit."

You gulped, trying to hold back tears. "I know, it's bad, isn't it?"

(Y/BF/N) nodded. "Yep. You're screwed. Have you told Tom?"

You shook your head. "No, I didn't want to say anything until I knew for sure. I'm just really scared that he'll leave me. I mean, we're so young and he's so busy with his acting. He's not going to want a child ..." you trailed off, your lip trembling. (Y/BF/N) reached across the table and grabbed your hand.

"Listen (Y/N)," she said calmly. "Yes, this socks. Yes, it's probably not the best time. But Tom loves you. He loves you one hell of a lot. He'll know that this isn't your fault. He won't leave you. And if he does, I promise, I will kill him myself."

You sniffed and gave your friend a water smile.

"Thanks (Y/BF/N) It really means a lot. I just hope you're right."

(Y/BF/N) nodded. "(Y/N), I'm always right. Now, you'd better go take a pregnancy test and make sure this is actually happening. For all we know, this could just be some sick coincidence and you really are just sick."

You nodded slowly and got to your feet. Grabbing your bag, you gave (Y/BF/N) one last smile.
"Thanks again. I'll call you as soon as I get the results."

(Y/BF/N) nodded and waved you away.  "Anytime, (Y/N), I'm always here for you. Now go and get it over with."

You nodded and rushed out the door, dread building inside you.

You stared down at the pregnancy test in you hand. You felt numb as if your body and mind couldn't handle the many emotions swirling inside you and instead had just shut everything out.

You coudln't believe it.

Suddenly there was a knock on the bedroom door.

"(Y/N)?" came Tom's voice from the other side. "You ok?"

You sat still, your mind swirling. You didn't know what to say to him.

"(Y/N)?" asked Tom again, his voice laced with urgency and confusion.

Slowly you got to your feet, the oregnancy test clutched in your hand. Walking towards the door, you reached out and turned the lock. There was a click and handle immediately turned, Tom throwing the door open.

As soon as he saw you standing in the doorway, your face blank he froze.

"(Y/N)?" he asked cautiously, seeming and most afraid. "What happened?"

Finally, you looked into his eyes. Holding our the test, you said, "Tom ... I'm ..."

Pregnant or not pregnant? Let me know in the comments and I'll maybe make a part 2

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