Peter - High School Crush

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(Y/B/N) - Your boyfriend's name
(Y/F/N) - Your friends name

"Come one, (Y/N), it won't be that bad!" (Y/B/N) says, rolling his eyes at you. You just shake you head, keeping your face buried in your pillow.

"No, you don't get it. My high school life was TERRIBLE! I was always that socially awkward kid who always seemed to have something stuck to her face!" you growl at your boyfriend. He snorts and you raise your head just enough to glare at him.

"But you've grown up!" he hastily says, holding his hands up in surrender. "Please just think about it, (Y/N)."

You let out a long sigh. It is your high school five year reunion tonight and your boyfriend, who went to a different high school to you, desperatly wants you to go.

"Ugh, fine," you grumble, sitting up and climbing off the bed. (Y/B/N) smiles  encouragingly and moves towards the door of your bedroom.

"Great. I meet you downstairs in around 30 minutes. And wear something decent, not your usual jeans and t-shirt, ok?"

You scoff before pushing him out the door. "Yeah, yeah, whatever."

Going back to your closet, you pull out a midnight blue dress that comes down to just below you mid thigh and shows off all your curves. You then choose a pair of silver heels to go with it.

As you get ready, you think back to your high school days. What you told (Y/B/N) was true. You were quiet a big nerd in high school. But what (Y/B/N) said is also true. You have grown up. Quite a bit. You have defiantly grown hotter and more attractive, as well as learned more about that glorious thing called makeup.

Once you are finished getting ready, you shoot a final glance at the mirror before grabbing you phone and car keys and making you way downstairs.

You cling tightly to (Y/B/N)'s arm as you enter your old shool assembly hall. You eyes widen as you look around and you feel your mouth drop open.

The hall is decorated like it was back when you had school formals, with ballons, coloured lights and streamers everywhere. A large banner was strung across the stage, proclaiming in large letters, "Welcome Back!"

You grin widely at (Y/B/N) before you eyes settle on a figure standing by the drinks table. Your smile grows ever wider and you rush away from you boyfriend, you eyes set on the figure.

"(Y/F/N)!" You shriek in excitment, tackling the other girl in a hug.

(Y/F/N) giggles, hugging you back. Pulling away, you smile at her.

"How have you been? I haven't seen you in ages! You look great!"

(Y/F/N) laughs. "Thank you, and I've been fine. You look great as well! I'm so freading glad that you're here!"

You smile at her rambling, opening your mouth to say something when the hair on the back of your neck prickles.

"(Y/N)?" says a voice behind you and you turn. You mouth drops open.

Behind you stands a tall man with dark brown hair, brown eyes and bulging muscles. At first you don't even recognise him but then you put two and two together.

"Peter?" you ask, stunned at the transformation. Sure, Peter was pretty hot in high school but this has now reached a whole new level.

"Hey, (Y/N)," grins Peter and you immediatly feel a blush tinting your cheeks. You never actually told anyone this, not even (Y/F/N) or (Y/B/N) but Peter was your crush for most of high school.

"Oh my...h-how have you been?" You stammer, feeling you self blushing more as every second goes by.

Peter nods, that amazing smile still on his face. "Great. It's been a little weird, not seeing all of you guys every day though."

You nod. "Yeah, I know the feeling."

That night, when you leave the reunion, you can't stop thinking about Peter. He has changed so much on the outside but inside he still the same old nerdy Peter Parker you had a crush on back in high school. The weird thing is, some of those feels are starting to return.

Sorry for the absolutely crappy chapter. I just had this idea bit didn't really know how to end it off! :(

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