Peter - The horrors of Homecoming

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I'm finally back! It's been so long but I've finally got my act together and I have written quite a few new chapters over the holidays so I don't have to worry too much about trying to balance my school work with writing! I have also decided that I will be alternating between posting a completely new chapter each week and re-publishing an old chapter that I have rewritten. (I'm pretty sure you guys have noticed that I've been doing that lately)

This was requested by anonymous

The toe of your foot tapped out an irregular beat on the plush doormat. Your fingers curled tightly into fists, your palms sweating slightly. Every few seconds, your gaze darted around, your eyes scanning your surroundings.


You jumped slightly and looked over to your left at your boyfriend.


Peter frowned, staring at you in concern.
"What's wrong? You seem really nervous."

You pursed your lips and sighed, running a hand through your hair.

"I don't know ... I guess ... I'm just scared that ... he's going to show up again."

Peter's gaze softened and he immediately pulled you into a hug. You closed your eyes and leaned your head against his shoulder, breathing in his familiar scent.

"Oh Y/N," Peter mumbled, his hand stroking the back of your head lightly. "Don't be scared. You know I'll always protect you."

You nodded, sucking in a shaky breath. "I know. But I'm just terrified that one day ... you could get hurt ... I can't lose you, Peter."

You bit your lip, blinking back tears at the terrible memories that were resurfacing.

You had been kidnapped by the Vulture. You didn't know why, or even how it had happened, just that he had hit you over the head and then locked you in a van and taken you to DC, where Peter had managed to rescue you. Both of you had escaped practically unharmed, with only a mild concussion for you and a few bruises for him but the whole experience had shaken you and now, you were constantly paranoid about being out on the streets and in public.

Which turned out to be one of the reasons that you were standing next to Peter on the doorstep of Liz's house on the night of the Homecoming Dance.

Even before the attack, you had planned to go to Homecoming with Liz. She was one of your best friends and had come running to you as soon as the date for the dance had been announced, hoping to make it a double date. Both your boyfriends had been on board with the idea and now here you were.

"Everything's going to be OK," Peter said quietly to you, drawing back from the hug so he could look into your eyes. "You're not going to lose me. If anything at all happens tonight, I promise you I will protect you."

You managed a small smile, taking deep breaths to try and calm yourself down.
"Thanks, Pete."

Pushing your shoulders back, you flipped your hair out of your face. "This is going to be fun," you said, finality in your voice. "We're going to have fun."

Peter smiled. "That's my girl."

Reaching forward, you pressed the doorbell. As it rang out you felt Peter's fingers lace with yours.

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