Peter - Tick Tock

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Peter's POV

Its has been a year since (Y/N)'s death and Peter is numb. He doesn't cry, he doesn't scream for her. He just goes about his daily routine without talking, without feeling. He isn't Spider-Man anymore, he is failing most of his classes and he spends all of his free time sitting on his bed, staring at the wall. He is totally broken.

One day Peter is walking slowly home from school when he hears the loud noise of many car horns being hit at the same time. Turning his head, he sees someone stumbling across the road. She has long, unbrushed hair, wild, scared eyes and the way that she runs, suggests that she has a heavy limp.

As she passes Peter, her legs give out and she is about to crash to the ground when his arm springs out, catching her. Her wild (Y/E/C) eyes meet his and he gasps. It is (Y/N)!

Your POV

You don't know where you are. You just woke up in a dark room. You don't remember how you got there or who you are. You just needed to get out so you ran. You don't recoginze anything or anyone and all the noise of the city confuses you.

As you run past a boy with dark brown hair, you trip. He catches you and his eyes widen when he sees you face. "(Y/N)?" he mutters. You blink, your eyes wide and scared. He just keeps staring into your face. "Who?" you croak out, your voice rough and hoarse. He lets go of you and backs away. "What the hell is happenig?" he mutters to himself.

You drag yourself to your feet and try to rush away but suddenly a throbbing pain sparks in you ankle, bringing you to your knees again with a cry of pain. The boy instantly appears at your side again. Sliding one arm under you knees and the other around your back, he lifts you bridle style.

There is something scarily familair about him carrying you like this but you can't quite put your finger on it. Your eyelids get heavy and begin to droop as he walks quickly down the street. You don't know where you are going or who this boy is. All you know is that you like being in his arms and never want to leave...

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