Peter - Assistance

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There were some reeated parts so I just quickly edited them. Thanks for telling me.

"Mr Stark!" you called, rushing after the billionaire as fast as your high heeled feet could carry you. "Mr Stark, could you please slow down for just a minute?"

It was only 9:30 on a Monday morning and you were already getting blisters from running around after your boss. Although Tony Stark may be preparing to for the fight of his life, he didn't seem to have stopped at all. He was busier than ever, planning attacks and rallying the few friends who were on his side. He had even managed to rope you into coming to meet a new superhero with him that afternoon.

Turning to face you, he raised his eyebrows. You let out a huff as you finally managed to catch up to his, your feet and ankles aching.

"No, I cannot slow down, (Y/N). I am trying to organise a war here."

"But my feet hurt!" you complained, placing a hand on your hip, your chest heaving.

Tony chuckled. "Then why do you wear those ridiculous shoes? They look great but if you don't like them, don't wear them."

You scowled at him. "I have to wear these. It's what assistants do, it's one of the job obligations."

"Yeah right. You just wear them to make you look taller."

You pursed your lips, nodding, and looked away. "I just wear them to make me look taller," you said quietly, admitting the truth.

Tony smiled down at you. "Come on, (Y/N). Live a little. Remember, we're going to see that spider-person today, see if he's any good. And if he is ..." he grinned evilly at you, "he's your age. Maybe you could get to know him ... if he survives the fight."

You gave him a look and he held up his hands. "Okay, I'm kidding. He'll be fine ... maybe."

You shook your head, glancing out of a nearby window. "It's not going to happen. He's top in his year, there's no way he would be interested in a drop out like me."

Tony smirked at you before turning and began walking again. "You're only a drop out because you came to work for me. I wouldn't say that's exactly a failure."

"Yeah right," you mumble, hurrying after him. If Tony was going to keep going only like this, it was going to be a very long day.


At exactly 3pm that afternoon, both you and Tony were sitting in the living room of May Parker's apartment. The middle-aged woman was very nice - though she did seem a lot more interested in Tony than in yourself – and had offered you both some walnut date loaf. You had politely refused.

You had been sitting there for around five minutes, lazily listening to Tony explaining the 'reason' you were here, when the door opened and a boy walked in.

His head was down, his eyes fixed on his hands. He hadn't seemed to have noticed you yet and walked towards the kitchen, earphones in his ears.

"How was school today?" May asked, looking up from her conversation with Tony. The boy shrugged.

"Ok," he said, slowly raising his head. "There's this crazy car parked outside-"

Finally, his eyes lifted and landed on yours. You gazes met for a spit second before his brown orbs shifted to Tony sitting on the couch with May and his eyes widened. He froze, staring at Tony.

The billionaire in question, was examining his walnut date loaf. Looking up, he gaze the boy a small smile. "Oh, Mr Parker."

The boy's eyes were wide as he pulled the earphones from his ears. Slowly he moved forward, seeming very confused.

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