Tom- The cutest drunk

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Hey guys, here is a short little imagine to celebrate this book hitting 60 000 reads. Thank you all so much for this! You have all shown me and this book so much support and you have no idea what it means to me! I promise that the imagine on Wednesday will be much longer, I just thought this was kind of cute.

There was no point in denying that you were a bad drinker. Ignoring the fact that you probably had the lowest alcohol tolerance level in the entire universe, you also tended to act silly and insane. Because of that, Tom always had to watch you whenever there was a party.

Now, as your boyfriend carried you away from the party, he couldn't help but laugh at your erratic behavior.

"You're kind of hot," you told him, your words slurring slightly as Tom carried you up the stairs to one of the bedrooms.

He smiled down at you. "Why thank you."

You drunkenly raised an eyebrow. "But my boyfriend is hotter."

Tom chuckled to himself as he opened the door to one of the spare bedrooms, still carefully holding you. Once he had stepped inside, he closed the door behind him before walking across the room and gently placing you on the bed. You squirmed, rolling onto your stomach, and stared up at him with dropping eyes.

"What are we doing here?" you asked. Tom didn't answer. Instead, he sat down on the bed and gently took your shoes off. You kicked your feet away from him.

"Don't touch me!" you said, shuffling backwards. Tom looked at you in surprise.

"Why not?"

You narrowed your eyes at him, your vision hazy. "Because I know exactly why you brought me up here! You're planning on taking advantage of me."

Tom chuckled quietly to himself as you went on. "Don't even try! My boyfriend his really strong and he could beat you up easily. If he finds out what you're doing, he's going to come after you."

"He sounds like a very violent person," Tom remarked. You shook your head.

"Oh no, he's one of the sweetest people in the whole world. He's only violent when someone threatens me or his family. Which is why you should be running."

Tom smiled softly as your eyelids began to droop again and you slumped down onto the mattress, curling up into a ball. Reaching over, he gently brushed a strand of hair our of your face.

"He loves you very much, you know that right?" he asked quietly. Pulling his own shoes off, he crawled forward onto his stomach and began to play with a few strands of your hair.

You nodded sleepily. "I know. I love him very much too. He's so perfect and he's the only one who I feel like I can really be myself around."

Tom smiled to himself. He knew you loved him, even though neither of you had admitted it and it was nice to finally here you say it. He also knew that you wouldn't remember any of this in the morning so it would he his little secret.

There was a light snore and Tom glanced over to see you had fallen fast asleep. He couldn't help but stare at you, watching as your chest rose and fell gently. He had never seem anything more beautiful in his life.

Leaning forward, he pressed his lips to your forehead before pulling off his shirt. Gently picking you up, he placed you carefully under the covers before climbing in himself. Leaning over to switch off the light, he wrapped his arms around your body and closed his eyes. It had been quite an eventful night but he wouldn't change a second of it.

Sorry it quite short and boring.

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