Civil War (Part 3) + Big announcement

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(Don't worry, there is a proper one shot, just read this Auther Note first or come back to it at the end! Very important!)

Hey guys. So, I was doing a bit of editing and suddenly realised that at the end of Civil War Pt. 2, I said there would be a part three but I never actually made one! (Show how much of an idiot I am!)

Also, I have some news. I will not be making a YouTube Q&A. I'm sorry but I just don't have time. I was going to film it but then my mum reminded me of a whole lot of homework I hadn't done, so I had to rush off. Unlike most you lucky fishes, my school started the term yesterday and I have so much homework!!

Instead, I will be putting all the questions into a chapter in this book, along with the answers.

(Lol, we have a new math teacher and his name is Mr Stark! Lol! ) Read the AN at the end for a very exciting announcement!!! ;) ;) ;)


(Y/F/N) - Your fake name

(Y/F/SL/N) - You fake last name


You scowl deeply at Steve, making sure to put at much hatred as you can into the glare.

"Why can't you get someone else to do thsi?" you whine like a small child. Steve sighed and rubs his temple.

"I've already explained this, (Y/N). You are the only one who can do thsi becaue you are the only one young enough to pass for a 17 year old!"

You roll you eyes and turn away from him. "For your information, I'm 16!" you mumble to yourself.

"Don't expect me to ever save you in the furture!" you grumble before flicking your wig over your shoulder and storming off around the corner.


You frown deeply as you come in sight of your destination. This was one of the reasons you took a job with the Avengers in te first place! You STOP going to school! And now here you are, again, about to enroll at the dreaded place where you spent your lunch hours crying in the toilets because some girls were calling you a freak.

Yes, you were once a normal child. You grew up in Queens and went to a normal school. Until you were abducted and experimented on against your will.

This is all part of Steves plan. There is some guy in this school who has information that Steve needs, so he came up with the absolutely genius - not the sarcasum- idea that you should be the one to retrieve it, because if you hadn't dropped out, you would still be in high school. So now, not only are you stuck in a classroom with a bunch of kids you will most probably remember from your middle schools days,  but you also have to wear a wig and thickly framed glasses so no one recognises you, since you face, along with all the faces of the Avengers, was all over the news a few months ago.

As you walk through the hallways, you keep the to our head down. Almost everyone is giving you weird glances and, no matter how much fighting and spying you have done, it still makes you feel uncomfortable.


You follow the vice principal along the deserted hallway. He has kindly offered to take you to your first lesson and you are silently cursing him behind his back. You weren't supposed to be drawing any attention to yourself but with the vice principal announcing that you are new to your whole chemistry class? Well, that is definatly not on the list of how to keep a low profile.

The VP (soz, I'm too lazy to write the whole thing) opens a door and walks into the classroom, you slowly trailing behind him. All heads turn to you as you enters and you drop your eyes, refusing to meet anyone's gaze.

"Kids, we have a new student," the VP announces, gesturing towards you. "This is (Y/F/N) (Y/F/L/N), she just transfered from Washington DC. I expect all of you time be kind and friendly to her since all of you know what it is like to be new." He eyes the class before nodding to the teacher and you and leaving.

You stand at the door awkwardly, still refusing to look into anyone but the teachers eyes.

She smiles reassuringly at you and gestures to an empty seat. "You can sit by Mr Parker today, (Y/F/N), ask me if you need anything."

You nod and smile at her before walking over and flopping down in the seat she pointed to. Taking out your books out from your bag, you shoot a sideways glance at the boys sitting next to you.

Your whole body becomes rigid and you have to stop your mouth from falling open because you know the boy next to you. It is the same boy from the fight in Germany. It is the same boy who cane with Tony to the prison. It is Spider-Man.

Heeeeyy guys!! Me again. So, if you are reading this,  you most probably read the AN at the top and know that there is a very special announcements that I am making.... well here it is!!!

I AM RESTARTING THIS BOOK!!!!!!!! And no, by that I DO NOT mean I am deleting everything and starting again. (Hell no!) I mean that I will continue making imagines again nd oneshots about our dear friends Tom Holland and Peter Parker!!!!!

Don't ask me what caused me to change my mind because I honestly don't know, I just woke up this morning and realised that I LOVE making imagines for this book and sure as hell don't want to stop!!!!

I will also be taking requests so PM if you want one. I will just need your characters name, surname, description and a basic story line. (And obviously who you want it to be about e.g. Peter or Tom)

And yes, there will be a part 4 to this imagine so be on the look out.

Also, I have started a new book! It is a Bucky Barnes fanfic called The First Winter Soldier, so go and check it out if you are as obsessed with Bucky as I am.

Love you all loads and loads!!! Pls, vote and comment and don't be scared to send me requests!!!

P.S, I will be uploading the Q&A next chapter so be on the look of for that!

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