Peter - I'm not going anywhere

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Your head was slumped sleepily on the desk, your hair covering your face. Your eyelids felt heavy and you desperately fought the rising tide of sleep, determined to stay awake until the end of the school day. Only five more minutes left ...


You jumped and slowly raised your head from your arms, blinking in the bright light of the chemistry lab. Turning your head, you looked towards your best friend.

Peter smiled at you, his brown eyes dancing.
"Are you tired?" he asked, amusment lacing his voice. You scowled at him and placed your head back on the table, closing your eyes.
"What do you think?"

"How much sleep did you get last night?"

"I dunno," you answered, your voice muffled. "An hour? Maybe two?"

Peter sighed and turned back to face the front of the classroom, where the teacher was rambling on about something irrelevant.
"Is it the internship at Oscorp?"

You froze, your whole body tensing. Guilt you had felt hundreds of times before began to seep through you at Peter's words.

The internship at Oscorp.

There was no internship at Oscorp.

For years now you had been telling Peter that lie. Peter, Ned, your family, everyone believed you interned for a professor at Oscorp.

In reality, you interned with someone much more dangerous.

Adrian Toomes. The Vulture. Your boss. You had been part of his crew since he had recruited you after hearing about your brilliant mind. That was four years ago. You now helped his steal materials from the DODC.

"Um..." you stuttered, feeling horrible about blatantly lying to Peter. "Yeah. We've been getting a little of work lately and I was up trying to finish all of it."

Peter stared at you for a moment and you held your breath, desperatly hoping he would take the lie.

Finally he nodded and turned back to his work, writing something down in his work book.

You breathed a sigh of relief, biting your lip. You weren't comfortable with keeping such a big part of your life from everyone closest to you but Toomes insisted, saying that it was better for everyone.

Which it probably was. But that didn't mean you were comfortable with it.

"You need to get so rest, (Y/N). Being exhausted isn't helping you or anyone else," said Peter, pulling you from your thoughts. You nodded your head slowly, resting your chin back on the desk. You couldn't bare to meet Peter's eyes, for the guilt you felt from lying to him.


Later that night, you were sitting alone in your family's apartment. The television was on, playing some stupid cartoon as you tried your best to finish the workload of homework that your teachers were piling on you. You were beginning to regret not taking Toomes' offer of helping out with one of his deals on the ferry.

Leaning your head back, you let out a loud groan and squeezed your eyes shut in frustration and annoyance.

Suddenly you phone rang out loudly from beside you. You jumped in fright and fumbled with the device, your fingers trembling as you looked at the caller ID.

May Parker

You frowned. Why would Peter's aunt May be calling you?

Sliding your finger across the screen, you lifted the phone to your ear.

"Hey May, what's up?"

"Oh, (Y/N), thanks goodness!" May's voice was frantic and you instantly felt more alert, sitting up straighter.

"Everything OK?"

"Oh, yes ... well no ... I'm so sorry to hither you but is Peter with you?"

You're eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. "No."

May let out a shaky breath. "Oh dear. I thought he might be. He hasn't come home, I haven't seen him and-"

"Wait, he's not at home?"

"No," cried out May, her voice desperate. "I don't know where he is! Anyway, I'm sorry for bothering you, I just had to check."

"It's totally fine, May," you said, biting your lip in worry. "If he does turn up here, I promise I'll call you."

"Thank you, (Y/N). Goodbye."

"Bye May."

Your heart was beating frantically as you hung up. Peter was missing. May had sounded pretty worried and it took a lot to get to that woman. This was serious.

Getting to your feet, you grabbed your hoodie and your house keys and ran out the door of your apartment, slamming it shut behind you.


After searching through all of Peter's favourite places around Queens, you decided to just go to Peter's apartment and hope that he showed up there. So now, you were sitting with May on the couch, your face set firmly as you tried to ward off the rising tide of fear and panic. What if something really bad had happened to him?

However, right at that moment there was a loud knock on the door. Both you and May shot up, your gazes meeting and you could see all the hope you felt reflected in her eyes. The pair of you quickly rushed over to the door and you bit your lip hard as the older woman reached for the handle.

May threw it wide open and your heart lept wildly at the sight of Peter standing on the threshold wearing a pair of pink pajama pants and a large white top with 'I survived my trip to NYC' written boldly across the front.

A small cry emitted from May and she stepped away, turning her back and you and Peter. As the older woman stumbled away, back into the apartment, you jumped forward and wrapped Peter in a tight hug.

His arm hesitantly encircled you as your body shook. Tears began to trail down your face cheeks as your fingers curled tightly around the material of his t-shirt. Squeezing your eyes shut tightly, you inhaled the scent of your best friend.

And it was only then did you truly realise the extent of your feelings for this boy. For the many years you had known him, you thought that you would never feel anything more than friendship towards him. But you were wrong.

Although you still didn't know where Peter had been. He might have been doing something at school for all you knew, but it had taken these last few hours of worry for the boy to jolt your feelings for him out from the darkness of your mind.

"I was so worried," you mumbled into his ear, your voice thick with tears. "When you were gone I ... I didn't know ..."

"Shh," Peter soothed your, gently rubbing your back. "Don't worry about me. I'm not going anywhere."

Hey everyone!!! I'm back! I'm sooo sorry about missing yet another week but I wanted to make this chapter perfect. Do you guys think I should make a Part 2 to this??

And also, could I just take a minute to say something? We hit 10 000 votes?!? (OK, that was a while ago but I haven't said anything yet and I should) That's freaking insane!! Thank you all so much for being so supportive of this book and votes on the chapters, it means so much to me!! I love you guys!!!

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