Peter - You know Spiderman? Pt3

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(There will be a part 4 to this)
Peter's POV ;)

"Where the hell have you been?"

Peter gulped as he stared into the livid eyes of (Y/N). He has known she would be mad at him for disappearing but he hadn't realised exactly how mad until that moment. (Y/N) wasn't angry. She was pissed.

"(Y/N)," Peter started very slowly, treading with care. His eyes flickered to his side as he shot Ned a pleading look. However the other boy just shrugged helplessly, indicating that Peter was on his own.

"Where did you go, Peter? You've been missing for hours! Hours! I'm not usually this kind of person but I really wish I knew what is going on with you!" (Y/N) said, her voice deadly.

"I'm really sorry," Peter said aimlessly, desperatly trying to redeem himself. "I know I've been gone for ages but you've just got to trust that I had a really good reason."

(Y/N) eyed him suspiciously. "I want to believe you, Peter, I really do. But you've been acting so weird lately, quiting the decathalon, dropping out of band practice and robotics club. And now this. And then While you were gone Spiderman showed up and-"

(Y/N) suddenly stopped dead in her tracks, her sentence running dry. Her eyes widened to an almost impossible size and her skin paled so much she looked on the verge of fainting.

"S-Spiderman," she stuttered out, one of her hands raised to cover her mouth. Peter felt his heart sink to the pit of his stomach.

"Y-You're ... you're the ..." (Y/N) seemed incapable of forming a functional sentence as she pointed from Peter to Ned to the roof and back to Peter. Finally she grabbed onto the a sleeve of both boys jackets and began to tugged them down a corridor.
"Come with me."

Ned and Peter followed her obediently, exchanging a look of wide eyed horror. They both knew that it was extremely possible that she had put two and two together.

Finally  they came to a halt in a deserted corridor. (Y/N) stood with her back to the boys for a few seconds before spinning around on her heel and stepping close to Peter.

"You're Spiderman," she said defiantely, her voice without any doubt. Peter nervously shook his head though deep down he knew it was a futile attempt. Anyone who knew (Y/N) knew that once shed made up her mind about something there was no point even hinting at a contradiction.

"I'm not."

"Yes, you are."

"No, I'm-" Peter began to fight back. However this time Ned butted in.

"He is."

Peter's eyes widened and he shot his friend a glare, silently regretting everything he had ever told Ned about Spiderman.

(Y/N) meanwhile stood back with a triumphant look on her face.

"Ha, you admit it."

Peter shrugged. "Technically, I didn't admit anything but-"

"Shh!" (Y/N) chided. "I'm trying to think here."

"About what?" This time it was Ned who asked. (Y/N) sent him a deadly looked before stepping backwards. Turning her attention back to Peter, she asked, "Who else knows?"

"Just Ned and now you. Oh, and Tony Stark," he replied. At the mention of the billionaires name, (Y/N)'s eyes widened.

"Is this the Stark Internship?" she asked all of a sudden. Peter nodded slowly and a small smile spread over (Y/N)'s face.
"I'm such and idiot," she said to her sled, letting out a small chuckle. "It's all right there, how could I not have seen it?"

"We did try to hide it," Peter started.

"Oh shush," (Y/N) said, cutting him off. By now she had moved quite far from the boys and was pacing up and down the corridor.

Finally after a few minutes of awkward silence, (Y/N) stopped and turned to Peter.
"How did it happen?"

Peter shared a glance with Ned before running a hand through his hair.
"It's a long story," he said. (Y/N) promptly sat herself down on the floor, her back against the wall and her legs stretched out in front of her.
"I've got time."

Thank you thank you thank you all so much for the 7k votes! It means the world to me!!! I love you all so much!!! To celebrate, I have decided to start up an official Instagram page for this Wattpad account. I will be giving sneak peaks of new updates coming in the future as well as doing some posts on our friendly neighbourhood Spiderman (and Tom Holland) so if you guys are interested, please follow me. The account is @x._loopsey.shakespeare_.x

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