Peter - You know Spiderman?

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WARNING! There are spoliers for Spiderman Homecoming in this chapter. I have twisted the story a little to fit this chapter but the general plot is taken directly from the movie. If you have not seen Spiderman  Homecoming, please don't read this chapter as it could potentially ruin the experience of seeing it for the first time.

(By the way, I know this does not follow the script, I have changed it a bit. I also know that the names are not correct, I was too lazy to find out what they are so please bare with me)

"Um, I think for me it would be eff Thor, marry Iron Man and kill Hulk," Betty said, looking around at the group.

You were sitting on the bleachers in the gym hall watching the boys of your grade do sit ups. One of your friends had suggested that you play a game of eff, marry or kill the known sulerheroes and no one had hesitated to say yes.

"What about the Spiderman?" cut in Ronette. Butterflies began to swarm in your stomach at the mention of his name.

"It's just Spiderman," you corrected her, your cheeks flushing bright red. Betty looked at you, her eye's widening.

"Oh no," she started, a smirk forming on her face, "(Y/N) is crushing on Spiderman."

"No way," Ronette said, staring at you.

You blushed even more and hid your face in your hands.  "Kinda," you muttered quietly and all of your friends burst into giggles.

"You know, he's probably, like, thirty," Betty told you.

"Yeah, you have no idea what he looks like under that mask. What if he's, like, seriously burned?" Ronette chided. You shrugged.
"I don't care. I would love him for who he is on the inside."

"Peter knows Spiderman."

A voice rang out trough the hall. You stiffened, your head slowly turning to face the source. Ned, one of the boys, was sitting on one of the mats. His best friend, Peter Parker, was looking around wildly, his brown eyes flickering around the hall. His gaze landed on you and for a split second, your eyes met. You cheeks flushed lightly and you let out a small breath when he looked away. Unbeknownst to all of your friends, you had a small crush on Peter. You had known him forever and though you weren't, strictly speaking, friends, you knew almost everything about him.

"N-no," Peter stammered, scrambling to his feet. He walked towards you and your friends. "Well ... y-yeah, I've met him ... a couple times. But it was through the, ah, Stark Internship."

"Seriously?" Betty asked in surprise.

"Yeah well, I'm not really supposed to talk about it," Peter replied, throwing a glare in Ned's direction.

You blinked at him and opened your mouth but then another voice rang out. Flash Thompson was walking across the gym, a arrogant smirk on his face.

"Really, Spiderman?," he said loudly. You rolled your eyes and groaned silently as he approached.
"Flash-" you started but he cut you off, sending a flirty wink your way.

"Hey, (Y/N), why don't you invite Peter to your party. He could bring his 'great pal' Spiderman along."

Peter's brown eyes settled on you and you shifted slightly, willing yourself not to blush.

"Party?" Peter asked, his gaze never leaving you. You pushed a strand of your hair behind your ear, nervously playing with it.

"Um, I'm just having a few friends over. But, yeah, you should totally come, it would be great."

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