Peter - Happily ever after

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Requested by @smokyquartz

" ... Spider-Man has saved the day once again. We can all feel safe in our homes tonight thanks to him."

You glowered at the overly cheerful news reporter on the television screen. Yeah right, you defiantely felt 'safe' knowing that some weirdo in spandex was swinging around New York City.

Grabbing the remote, switched off the TV before the news reporter could go on raving about how great Spider-Man was. In your opinion, he was just some smart guy showing off and trying to become famous. He wasn't a hero! He was just a rooky, trying to be like the the Avengers. Speaking of which ...


You looked up as your uncle, Tony Stark walked in. He was looking around in confusion and and was wearing a suit and tie as well as the boots from his Iron Man suit. You sniggered at his mis-matched clothing.

"Yes, uncle?"

He jumped as he noticed you sitting on the couch and your smirk grew wider.

"There's someone at the door for you. Your friend, Peter."

Your eyes widened and you slapped a hand over your mouth. You had completely forgotten that you were supposed to be taking the train to school with Peter this morning.

Leaping to your feet, you hurriedly tried to  straighten your clothes before picking up your school bag from the floor beside you.

"Thanks for telling me," you said quickly to Tony. "I'll see you this afternoon, ok?"

Tony nodded, still seeming preoccupied. "When's your party again?"

"This evening," you reminded him, heading towards the door. "Are you still going to help me set up?"

"Sure," smiled Tony. "As long as you help me with some test on my suit."

You nodded. "OK. See you later."

"Bye," Tony said, moving off. You shook you head at his absentmindedness and rushed through the hallways, down quite a few flights of stairs and finally, out of the main door of Stark Tower.

It was uncomfortably warm outside, the sun blazing down onto the streets of Manhattan and you cringed as you left the air conditioned building.

"I am so sorry!" you exclaimed, seeing you best friend in the world and crush since 1st grade, Peter Parker standing on the sidewalk.

He flashed you a brilliant smile and shook his head. "It's ok."

You made a face at him. "No, it's not. I'm always late. I was watching the news. They were ranting on and on about Spider-Man and I just got a little sidetracked."

Peter shook his head at you as you two began walking towards the train station. "You still don't like him, do you?" he asked, soundly slightly dejected. You scowled.

"No, I don't. But really, I keep you waiting everyday. I'm sorry."

Peter smiled at you again and grabbed your hand, giving it a squeeze. "Don't worry about it, Princess. I'll always wait for you, no matter what."

You gave him a soft smile, blushing slightly at the nickname. When you both were little, you had been absolutely obsessed with fairytale princesses. During 2nd grade, when you had to do a project about what you wanted to be when you grew up, you had declared that you wanted to be Cinderella. Ever since, Peter had been calling you Princess.

"So, your still coming to my party, right?" you asked Peter once you were both settled on the train. He grinned and nodded.

"I wouldn't miss it."

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