Peter - Choose her

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Requested by Brookechook007

"This is gettig insane!" you exclaimed, staring wide eyed at the newspaper in front of you. "This guy is completely mad!"

Your best friend Peter shrugged his shoulders, not really paying too much attention to what you were saying. "Yeah, I s'pose. But it'll be fine, I'll sort him out."

You lowered the paper and raised one eyebrow at Peter. His brown eyes flickered up to meet yours for a second before his headed jerked up. "What?"

"You're getting arrogant," you stated, getting up from Peter's bed and walking towards his desk.

Peter shrugged again. "So?"

You gave him a look. "One day you're going to say something that gets you killed."

Peter stuck out his bottom lip and gave you puppy eyes. "Aww," he cooed, amusment dancing in his eyes. "Is wittle (Y/N) worried abowt Spwider-man getting hurt?"

You glowered at his, throwing a pencil at his head. "Shut up!"

Peter chuckled and went back to tinkering with his web shooters. You watched him for a few seconds before reaching forward and grabbing his wrist.

"Seriously though," you said, "please be careful."

Peter nodded, the joking attitude gone. "I will (Y/N). I always am."

You bit your lip and sat down on the floor, your gaze not moving. "You'd better. Or else I'll have to study with Ned and you know where that will end up."

Peter snorted loudly. "Probably with you failing all your classes for the rest of high school."

You nodded. "Exactly."

Peter chuckled again and leaned forward, reaching for one of your hands. "Don't worry about me," he said quietly. You nodded silently, trying to ignore the tingles that raced across your skin from the place his hand touched you.

Suddenly Peter's phone began to ring and he jerked his hand away, reaching into his pocket. You looked down at your feet, embarrassment flushing your cheeks. The truth was, you were in love with Peter. You had known him for as long as either of you could remember and when you were with him everything just felt ... right.

But you knew for a fact that he would never feel the same way about you. For one thing, he had never given any signs at all that he had ever thought of you as anything but a friend. For another, he had been dating his long time crush Liz Allen for over a month now and you had never seen him happier.

Coughing awkwardly, you pushed yourself off the floor and reached for your bag. Gathering up your notes that were scattered across Peter's bedroom, you began to walk towards the door.

"I'd better go;" you said as you reached it, turning the handle. Peter nodded absentmindedly, still listening to whoever was on the phone. Probably Liz.

You sighed and walked out the room, closing the door gently behind you. Sadness began to fill you as you made your way out of the apartment. You were sure that he would never notice you in that way. He had eyes only for Liz.


Later that evening, you sat alone in your own bedroom trying to study. You read and re-read you notes over and over but your concentration just wasn't there. Your thoughts just kept going back to a certain teenage superhero.

You knew that you shouldn't feel the way that you did. You had know Peter for a long time, you shouldn't have fallen in love with your best friend.

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