Tom - Something differant (Pt. 3)

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Sorry it's kind of rushed. I start exams tomorrow ( -_- ) so I'm not sure if I will be able to update next week. Anyhow, I hope you enjoy this, you guys have been asking for it for a while.

A loud groan escaped you as you stretched your muscles out. Opening your eyes, you let out a small squeak as you were blinded by a ray of sunlight that peeked trough the curtains.

Leaning over to look at the clock on your nightstand, you let out a string of curse words when you saw that it was well past eight O'clock, the time at which you were supposed to be up.

Rolling over onto your other side, you observed your sleeping partner. A few strands of Tom's dark hair had fallen over his face, gently moving each time he breathed in or out. The duvet was pulled down slightly, giving off a perfect view of his toned chest.

You bit your lip, staying still for a few seconds to just observe. Tom looked so peaceful, his eyes closed and all of the usual hostility and sarcasm gone from his face. For once he actually looked ... happy.

You sighed, wishing you didn't have to wake him up. But you didn't have a choice.

"Tom," you whispered. No reaction.
"Tom," you said again, louder this time.

Tom groaned and rolled over, his back now to you.

Reaching over, you poked him hard on the back of his shoulder, saying, "Thomas Stanley Holland, wake up!"

"Go away," he mumbled, burying his face in the pillow. You let out a huff of exasperation, throwing the duvet off you. Getting to you feet, you strode around to his side of the bed, picking up a small square device from your bag as you did so.

"I'm giving you one more chance," you said to Tom. No response.

"OK," you muttered, raising the taser. "You asked for it."

With that, you pressed the taser to Tom's back, sending a shock of electricity through the sleeping agent.

Tom's eyes shot open and he let out a yelp. Sitting up, he pushed your hand away, ridding his muscles from the shock waves.

You stood back, a wicked smile on your face. Tom stared at you in shock, any trace of sleep gone from his features.

"What the hell?!" he asked wildly, anger lacing his tone. You shrugged, smirking down at him.

"I told you to get up."

"Shit, (Y/N)! You didn't have to use the damn taser on me!"

"Would you rather I dumped a bucket of water over your head?"

Tom glowered at you, throwing back the duvet and getting to his feet. You snorted at the look on his face.

"Not funny, (Y/N)," he whined at you, but you could see a sparkle in his brown eyes.

"It was actually kind of funny."


"Good morning sir, ma'am. I trust that you had a good night?"

You smiled kindly at the young waiter, who stood before you and Tom. The pair of you were at the illegal sale of the painting you were supposed to be 'buying'. You were hoping to finally find out the loctaion of the other stolen objects and end the investigation once and for all.

"Yes, we did. Thank you. Could you possibly tell us when Mr Carlton or Mr Frane will be arriving?" you said the waiter. He nodded and pointed to a man who was standing on the other side of the room, talking to another pair of buyers.

"Mr Carlton his already here and Mr Frane will be arriving momentarily."

You nodded and thanked the young man again before linking your arm with Tom's and gently guiding him away.

"They're both going to be here this time. That's good," Tom said under his breath, pretending to admire a ornate vase.

You nodded slowly, occasionally glancing at Carlton, who was now looking at the what seemed to be a list.

"Yes. Now hopefully, we'll be able to find out where they're keeping the other things and then this goddamn mission will be over."

Tom raised an eyebrow at you. "Goddamn mission? Aw, sweetheart, I thought that we're working out pretty good."

You rolled your eyes, a small playing at your lips, and where about to reply with a snarled comment when there was a shout from across the room.

"Mr and Mrs Johnson?"

You spun around to see that another man, presumably Frane, washstand next to Carlton. He waved you and Tom over and you eagerly walked towards him, intending to get this over and done with as soon as possible.

"That's us."

Frane smiled widely at you, his eyes traveling up and down your body, and you had to stop yourselve from smacking him upside the head. Tom shifted uncomfortably next to you, taking half a step forward.

"I understand that you are interested in the painting of the bird?" Cartoon asked you. Tom nodded as you said," Yes, as soon as I saw it I knew that I just had to have it on the wall at home."

Frane nodded, quickly exchanging a look with Carlton. "Please follow me. I will take you to see the painting," he said smartly. Your eyes met with Tom's and you insantly saw the worry in his pupils. There was something off about this and you both knew it.

As the pair of you followed Frane, you reached for Tom's hand. There was an uneasy feeling building in your chest and, although didn't want to seem weak, you couldn't deny that you weren't scared. Tom's fingers clasped with yours, his thumb rubbing soothing circles on the back of your hand. You didn't know what had changed between the pair of you, merely a few days ago you could hardly stand to be in the same room as Tom. But now, you couldn't help but feel safe with him.

Frane opened the door to one of the many a joining rooms and stood back, a creepy smile on his face.
"After you," he said, holding the door open. You glanced up at Tom, who insantly got the message and stepped forward first. He gave your hand a final squeeze before letting go completely and disappearing into the darkness of the room.

Frane let out a low chuckle. "Well, I was planning for the lady to go in first but no matter, this works too."

Your eyes widened and you opened your mouth but Frane insantly slammed the door shut, the automatic lock clicking into place.

"Tom!" You screamed loudly as a pair of arms wrapped around you from behind, a hand covering your mouth.
"To-" Something very hard connected with the side of your head and then everything went black.

Tom yelled loudly from inside the room, kicking out violently at the door. He heard you scream and it filled him with panic to think of what they could be doing to you.

"(Y/N)!" he yelled, hammering on the door. There was a scuffling sound from the other side and then the screech of wheels on tar. Tom's eyes widened and he reached into his jacket for his gun. Shooting at the place where he knew the look to be, he finally made a hole through it and the door, with the lock now disabled, swung open easily.

However, he was too late. When he rushed out the door, the first thing he saw was other buyers in a state of complete panic. And the second was that you, Frane and Carlton were gone.

Is anyone else obsessed with Stranger Things??

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