Tom - Premiere perks

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Being the youngest Evans sibling had its perks. For one, it helped your name get out there and now, at only 19 years old, you were already a celebrated actress with quite a few hugely successful movies under your belt. It also scored you quite a few invites to the premieres of almost all of your brother's biggest hits.

As soon as you soon stepped onto the red carpet of Captain America: Civil War, a huge scream rose up from the crowd. Cameras immediately turned to you, flashing as you smiled widely, lifting a hand to wave to all the fans.

" Y/N! Y/N Evans!"

You hurried towards the nearest interviewer, still smiling for the cameras and blowing kisses to the crowds.

"Y/N!" said the interviewer as you reached her, offering you a warm smile.
"How are you tonight?"

"I am so well," you replied, smiling widely. "It so great to be here!"

The interviewer nodded. "Anything you can tell us about tonight's movie?"

You chuckled. "Not much actually. All the details have been kept really quite, Chris refuses to say anything, apart from the fact that he thinks it will be awesome. But then, he thinks that about every movie he's in."

The interviewer laughed.
"I'm sure. Now, there have been some rumors swirling around that you are portraying Steven Strange's sister, Stella, in Doctor Strange, which is scheduled to come out later this year. Anything to say about that?"

Your grin widened, if that was even possible, and you struggled to keep all the excitement out of your voice as you spoke.
"I can't say too much but I can confirm those rumors. I will be joining my brother in 2018 as part of the Avengers in Avengers: Infinity War."

The interviewer grinned widely.
"I am very much looking forward to it."
Her eyes flickered to something behind you quickly before her attention returned to you.
"It seems that the rest of the cast has arrived. I imagine you would want to go and say hello?"

You nodded greatfully.

"Then I hope you have a very good evening, Ms Evans. Enjoy the movie for me."

You laughed. "I will."

Turned around, you hurriedly made you way over to where four of your brother's cast mates stood.

"Hey guys!" you exclaimed happily as you reached them.

"Y/N!" Scarlett Johansson squealed, pulling your into a tight hug. You squeezed her back, giggling uncontrollable. It had been a while since you had seen everyone and being around them all now made your insides fizz with happiness.

"Hey, kid!" Robert Downey Jr grinned as you let go of Scarlett, pulling you into a hug of his own. "How've you been?"

You shook your head, unable to control your excitment. "Bored out of my mind without you guys."

Jeremy Renner chuckled, reaching over to ruffle your hair. "Understandable, considering we're the only friend you have."
You ducked away from him, grinning, and turned to the final member of your group.


"Hi," he said and you gave a small smile.

"You're Tom Holland, right?"

"Yeah," he replied and you felt a slight blush rise in your cheeks.
"And you're Y/N Evans?"


Jeremy smirked, patting Tom on the shoulder.

"I'm impressed. You've know her for about 30 seconds and she's already blushing."

You blushed even more and smacked his arm.
"Shut up, Renner!"


As soon as the movie was finished you rushed over to your older brother and threw your arms around him in a hug.

"Well done, Chrissy! That was absolutely incredible! I actually wanted to cry!"

Chris chuckled, rolling his eyes.
"Please don't call me that, Y/N. But yes, I think I did pretty well."

"I'm so proud of you. All if you. The tension and the fighting and all of it was just so ... argh! I can't even find the right words!"

Scarlett arrived just in time to hear you and laughed.
"Thanks Y/N."

You squealed loudly and gave her a hug.
"You were awesome. I am literally going to be moping around in my pajamas until the next one comes out."

Scarlett shook her head to you.
"You're in the next one, dummy."

You blinked in surprise.
"Oh, right. But still! And Tom as Spiderman! That was amazing!"

"Speaking of Spiderman ..." Scarlett trailed off, grabbing your hand and leading you through the crowd of actors towards a smiling man.

"Y/N, this is Jon Watts. He is the director of Spiderman: Homecoming."

You smiled widely at him, shaking his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I take it Tom will be portraying Peter Parker again?"

Jon nodded and you grinned widely.
"Well, considering how well he performed in this, I have no doubt that Homecoming will be absolutely brilliant!"

Jon smiled. "Judging from what I've seen in the past few weeks of filming I have to say that I agree with you. There's just something about the dynamic between all the cast members that pulls the whole thing together very nicely."

You nodded. "I totally get that. We have the same sort of thing going on with our cast for Doctor Strange."

Jon smiled. "Speaking of Doctor Strange, I actually had an idea that I think could make Homecoming even better."

"Oh? What is that?" you asked, intrigued.

"Well, I was speaking to seem of the, uh, 'higher ups' in Marvel and they said that they thought it would work. Obviously in the comic books Stella Strange and Peter Parker are very good friends. So I was thinking of maybe adding Stella into the script. Not as a huge character but maybe for a few cameos or one scene."

Your eyes grew wider and wider as he spoke, as did the smile on your face.

"And if you did this, I would play Stella?"

"Absolutely. Well, only if you wanted to, of course."


Jon chuckled, beckoning to someone behind you.


"Yes!" you said, smiling like a loon. "Totally. Absolutely. Of course. I would love that!"

"I take it she's agreed?"

You spun around to find Tom standing behind you, a smile that could rival your own on his face.

"She did," confirmed Jon. Tom chuckled at the look of joy and uncontrollable excitment on your face.

"In that case, I look forward to working with you, Y/N."

You giggled. "And I, you, Tom." 

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