Tom - Something Differant (4)

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Finally I'm updating this (I actually love this series so much!) And thank you, guys, soo much for the 14k reads, it literally means the world to me!!

Tom's shoulders were tense as he stood alone in Y/N's apartment. His eyes were squeezed tight shut as his fingers curled and un-curled, his nails digging into the palm of his hand. He could here is heartbeat pounding in his ears and didn't dare move for the fear that he would find yet another thing to bring back the pain.

A month. A whole month. That was how long she had been missing. With every passing day, he missed her presence more and more. It was the little things, really. The way she would snort quietly while on of her co-workers was making a presentation on a topic she did not approve of. Or the way her laugh rang through the hallways when she found something funny. Or the way she was brutally honest about everything, no matter the circumstances. Or the way she would charge headlong and headstrong into danger, not giving a shit about what anyone else said. Or the way her nose would turn up in a sneer whenever Tom said something that she thought was idiotic. Which, at some point in time, had been most things.
It was these things that he missed the most and their absence was tearing him apart.

So many people had tried to tell him that it wasn't his fault. He couldn't have foreseen what would happen. He did all he could. But to him, that wasn't enough.

He regretted every second he had spent arguing with Y/N. He felt the guilt from every single insult he had ever thrown at the girl. He hated himself for spending so many years despising her. But the truth of the matter was, the only way her knew how to love Y/N, was to hate her.

And now that she was gone, he could see that clearly and it disgusted him.

The search for Y/N had been closed the previous day. It was a policy of Director Gordon to never keep a manhunt for an agent going longer than a month. And Tom couldn't help but hate him for that. Although he knew it was the right thing to do, he still wanted to look. Although deep down, he knew there was very little chance of Y/N still being alive, he didn't want to rest until he knew that she was safe and happy. And because he couldn't, he had taken to hating everyone in his way.

He had been sent by Director Gordon to clean out Y/N's apartment. It was a cruel order but Gordon had felt it was best for Tom to try and let go. So now the young man stood in the middle of his partner's apartment with a box, almost overwhelmed by the feeling of guilt that it was his fault that she wouldn't be coming home.

Moving forward deeper into the flat, Tom almost had to blink back tears. Every single thing reminded him of Y/N, from the way the cushions on the couch were placed - thrown haphazardly in no particular order - to the way the duvet cover was stretched across the bed - not quite free of wrinkles because Y/N couldn't be bothered to put so much effort into something that would just be messed up the next night.

However, the first thing that really made him choke up was the single photograph on the shelf by her desk. It had been taken on the day of Y/N's graduation. Smiling at the camera was her whole high school class, with a young Y/N standing right in the centre. Her eyes were shining and she looked the happiest Tom had ever seen her.

Swallowing back tears, Tom picked up the framed photograph and put it gently in the box, face down. He couldn't bare to look at thepure  excitment on young Y/N's face any longer.

Slowly, over course of two hours, Tom was able to collect all of Y/N's most important possessions. Every now and then he would find something that struck him particularly deep and could feel the tears rising. However, every time, he choked then back and carried on with his work, refusing to break down completely. The process was exhausting and by the end of it, all he wanted to do was lay down and sleep.

Which is why when his pone rang, it took him longer then usual to pick up. Glancing at the caller ID, his heart gave a slight flitter when he saw it was Director Gordon. However, he couldn't let himself get his hopes up.



Tom frowned at the use of his name. It was unusual for Gordon to call him  - or anyone  else - anything other than 'Agent', or sometimes, on pressing occasions, 'Agent Holland.


There was a short pause on the other end of the line.

"We need you to come in."

"For what?" Tom asked, his curiosity and confusion peaking.

"We've found ... something. I think you'll want to see it."

Tom gulped, feeling dread pooling in the pit of his stomach. Judging from the way the director was acting, something serious had happened. And his tone of voice suggested it had something to do with a subject that would probably hurt Tom - which, in this case, was most probably Y/N.

"I'll be there in fifteen minutes."

"Get to the hospital. Private ward 107," was Gordon's reply before the line went dead.


The drive to the hospital was probably one of the worst trips in Tom's life. Every stop seemed to take hours, every red light was a demon that prevented him from reaching his destination. Every other car on the road was an obstacle that stood in the way if him speed 120 km per hour down the road.

When he finally did reach the hospital, Tom bolted inside. After flashing his badge a few times and demanding to know where ward 107 was, he ignored the elevator and took the stairs two at at time to get to the third floor as quickly as he could.

Bursting through the door of the private room, he felt his heart stop. No, it couldn't be ... but ... it was ...!

"Done stare at me like that, you're making me feel weird!" Y/N exclaimed, eyeing her frozen partner. Reaching across her body, she scratched irritably at the annoyly itchy cast on her right wrist. That damn thing had been bugging her since they put it on and there was nothing she could do to stop the ticklish feeling in her hand.

A huge grin was now spreading over Tom's face. Striding forward towards the bed, he leaned down and wrapped his arms around Y/N in such a tight hug she almost couldn't breathe.

"Uh, Tom, I need oxygen to survive, remember?"

Tom rolled his eyes as he let go of her.

Y/N chuckled, the smile that Tom had grown to adore lighting up her face.

"I missed this."


"Your sarcasm."

Tom grinned. "I missed your insults. Work was boring without them."

Y/N raised an eyebrow. "Are you implying what I think you're implying?"

"And what exactly do you think I'm implying?" Tom questioned.

"That you like having me around."

Tom smirked. "Well, that depends if you like being around me. Because if so ..." he leaned a little bit closer to her. Y/N smiled back at him.

"I suppose you're alright. When you want to be."

"Just alright?"

"OK," mumbled Y/N, looking up into Tom's eyes. Pushing back the sheets of the hospital bed she sat in, the girl stood up. They were now eye to eye and both could feel the tension in the air. Y/N's eyelids fluttered slightly as she observed her partner.
"You're a little better than alright," she admitted slowly, "just a little."

Tom grinned, his arms snaking around her waist and drawing her into another long awaited hug.
"That's all I need."

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