Peter - 'Almost love' sort of kiss

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This is Assistance Pt. 2, just under a differant name.

Hey everyone! I just saw Spider-Man Homecoming (I'm actually writing this on my phone in the car on the way home) It is literally the best movie I have ever seen and has jumped up to number one on my favourite movies list!!! Tom Holland was absolutely incrediable and and Peter is also now moved to number one on my list. I am literally trying not to break down completely and beg my mother to let me go watch it again tomorrow and the next day and the next day etc!!! Anyway I decided that since I know the story line of Spiderman Homecoming I am going to do Assistance Pt 2 using the story line. I will try not to give spoliers but I will be using one of the scenes from the movie. I don't give away the ending and knowing this scene won't really spoil any part of the movie because you sort of see part of it on the trailer. And also be warned that if you haven't seen the movie, some thing may not make sense. I will try my best to keep it as self explanatory as possible. Please don't be mad if this does spoil somthing in any way, I am just so excited and I really can't keep it all to myself. And anyway, the movie doesn't actually go this this because I have bent it a bit to put your character in.

The glass of the car window was cold against your forehead. Your eyes were closed, breathes deep as you tried your best to relax. Your knee bounced up and down involuntarily and your fists clenched and un-clenched. Your suit felt uncomfortable against your body and every few seconds you would run a hand through your hair.

"Hey, (Y/N), you OK?" asked Joseph, your driver. You jumped at the sound of his voice and looked with wide eyes at his reflection in the rearview mirror.

The truth was, you weren't ok. You were so far from being ok.

Fifteen minutes earlier, you had received a call from Peter Parker. It had been a few months since you had any contact with him. In fact, the last time you saw him was when you, Tony and Happy dropped him off at his apartment after the fight in Berlin. He had been a little banged up and you had been worried about him but Tony had told you not to call or text him because, apparently, he needed to find his own path.

However, this was a call that you couldn't ignore.

You cared about Peter more than you liked to admit and hearing that he needed help to save his friends was something you couldn't just brush off. So you had lied to Happy, changed into your superhero suit and rushed off.

As well as being Tony Stark's assistant, you were also Iron Man's assistant. You went by the name Nightlock and wore a deep purple cat-suit. It gave you super strength and flight power and that, paired with your natural talent of knife throwing, turned you into a deadly weapon.

As Joseph pulled the car onto the sidewalk near the Washington Monument, you looked out the window and your eyes widened. Near the top of the massive structure was a small spider-like figure. Peter.

You threw open the car door and leapt out onto the grass.
"Try calling Happy," you instructed Joseph, your eyes fixed on the tiny speck that was Peter. "If he doesn't answer, try Tony."

Then you began to sprint away from the car and towards the monument. You ignored the burning in your legs. You ignored how your breath was coming in gasps. You ignored how people around you stared. All you could think about was how people up there were going to die if you didn't get there soon enough.

Finally you skidded to a stop. You were about ten feet from the monument. Kneeling down, you reached forward and punched two buttons on each heel of your boots. There was a sort of fizzing sound and then a pop and then you were rising up into the air. Blue circles of energy imitated from the souls of each of your boots and propelled you into the air. The same energy began to pulse from the gloves on your hands and you began to gain speed, shooting upwards towards Peter.

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