Tom - She missed him

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Could be potentially creepy. Inspired by Hands to myself music video by Selena Gomez

She missed him. The man she had loved. She remembered every detail, every second. She could still hear him whispering her name at night. She could remember the dirty things he would mutter in her ear and the feather light touches. She still loved him. So much that it hurt.
But he was never coming back.

She couldn't bare to be away from him. But he wanted nothing to do with her. She pined over him. He had moved on. She lay awake at night, thinking about him. He spent his nights with someone that he loved.

Now, as she walked through his house, she ran her fingers daintily along the wall. This used to be her home. The home they had together.

Slipping silently up the stairs, she shook the silk robe from her shoulders, letting it fall to the floor.

She came to the bedroom. Looking around, she raised a hand to her mouth and ran a finger across her bottom lip. It brought back so many memories.

But now, it was not her he shared that bed with every night. It was not her he grabbed blankets for out of the cupboard when it was cold. It was the one he had moved on with. The one he loved.

Walking over to the bed, she sat down on the black, silk sheets. Closing her eyes, she let out a long sigh as she ran her hand back and forth along the pillow. Laying back, she buried her face in it, breathing deeply. This was his pillow. It always had been. It even smelled like him.

Closing her eyes, she smiled as she remembered those nights. Those night when it was just the two of them. When they would lay on the bed, barely clothed, their lips trailing over each others bodies. She could recall every single detail as if it had happened only seconds ago.

Getting up, she moved into the dressing room. Sauntering through his walk-in closet, she smiled at the sight of all his neatly pressed shirts, saved especially for premieres and parties. She always used to help him with his tie...

Pulling one of the white shirts off its hanger, she draped it around her shoulders, admiring the way it was too big for her body. She remembered those mornings after the parties, waking up in a strange bed with him beside her. Picking up his shirt off the floor and pulling it on. He always got annoyed in a cute way when she wore his clothes.

Sashaying over to the mirror, she admired herself. Her long hair, her dark eyes, her flawless body. How could he not want her? She loved him with all her heart and yet...he wanted someone else.

Moving into the living room, she lay down on the black leather couch. Reaching for the remote, she turned on the large TV in front of her. It flickered into life and she smiled when she saw what was playing. His newest movie.

As soon as he came on screen, her eye's devoured him. His thick brown hair, his dark, swirling eyes. He was perfect and so was she. How is it that they could not be together?

Once the film was finished, she left her spot on the couch and walked back into the bedroom. Taking one of the large, silk bedsheets from the cupboard, she wrapped it around herself like a long silk dress. Smiling to herself, she left the bedroom and instead, walked to the bathroom.

Dropping the bedsheet as soon as she had walked through the door, she moved over to the basen. One large mirror, big enough for two people. Two basens. Two shelves. Two seperate cupboards.

Opening the doors of the first cupboard, she smiled. Inside were many bottles of cologne, aftershave and shaving foam. His things.

However, she a scowled when she opened the next cupboard. Perfumes, hair brushes, hair oils and lotions. Her things.

Picking up a bottle of Miss Dior Cherie perfume, she sprayed a little on the inside of her wrist and took a sniff.
Ok, but she prefered her own.

Walking into the main bathroom, she glanced at the shower for the second before turning on the bath tap.

Once there was a reasonable amount of water in the porcelain tub, she removed her clothes and slid in. A sigh escaped her lips as she felt the silky water run over her tanned skin. It should be her living in this house.

Finally, after relaxing in the bath for half an hour, she climbed out, dried herself, and slipped on her clothes and one of his shirts again.

Going back to the bedroom, she lay back down on the bed again. All she could think about was how it should be she who lived in this house, and she alone who held his heart. She loved him more than her. On one could ever love him as much as she did! So why could she not be with him?

Little did she know that, at that very moment, two someone's were returning home.


You giggled quietly as Tom dragged you into the house. It had been a long day for both of you and you were ready to just settle down and watch a movie together.

Making your way up the stairs of your shared house, you smiled at Tom. Until you looked down and saw something black resting on the wood.

Reaching down, you picketed it up and your eyes widened. It was a silk robe.

Looking over at Tom, you raised an eyebrow. He replied with a shrug and gently grabbed your hand, quietly leading you upstairs.

You let out a gasp as you and Tom entered your shared bedroom. She was there! She was laying on your bed, in one of Tom's shirts!

You glanced at Tom. He looked completely stunned too. Why the hell was his ex-girlfriend asleep on his and his finance's bed?

Suddenly she stirred. Sleepily opening her eyes, she sat up. Her eyes landed on Tom first, not even flickering to you for as second. A smile spread over her face.

"I missed you."

Sooo....I honestly don't even know what this is. I was just listening to Hands to myself and got this idea. It's kind of sad and creepy at the same time.

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