Harrison Osterfield - Drunk in love

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Happy New Year everyone!! Wow, it's been a pretty crazy year!! I can't believe that this book has been going for more than a year now, like what?! I just want to say that you to all of your readers who have stuck with me from the beginning. You guys truly are amazing!

As a special new years update, I have decided to do something differant. As you may have noticed, this imagine is in fact, about Harrison and not Tom or Peter. I thought it would be cool to do something differant. I won't officially be adding Harrison to this book, this is just a once off thing, but if anyone wants a Harrison request I would be happy to write it.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this!!!


"Come on, (Y/N), it won't be that bad!"

You raised an eyebrow pointedly at your best friend.

"Yeah, of course, everything going to be totally fine, Haz! A crowd of hormonal, sex-crazed young adults packed together with loads of alcohol in a small room is definately not a recipe for disaster!"

Harrison opened his mouth to protest but, after finding not suitable counter-argument, shut it again.

"Anyway," you continued, "even if I didn't despise party's as much as I do, I'm tired. All I feel like right now is a movie marathon."

Harrison's eyes widened and he pouted, batting his eyelashes. "But (Y/N)," he wined, giving you his best puppy dog eyes. "It will be so much fun. Jacob will be there and ... Tom." He winked at you, smirking. "You still got the hots for him, right?"

You regarded him with a look of disgust. "Harrison Osterfield, you know very well that all that is ancient history. There is only one person I ... the only reason I would go is because you asked nicely."

Harrison looked at you suspiciously, noticed the way you quickly changed your sentence. You stared back at him, meeting his eye directly and hoping that he wouldn't ask about your small slip up. Truth be told, you were going to say something quite differant bit nerves got the best of you and you bailed at the last minute.

"Please," Harrison said, finally dropping his penetrating stare. "Please come, (Y/N)."

You sighed loudly, making the point that you weren't happy. However, you know you couldn't resist those blue eyes and as you kept fighting, it was just going to get harder to reject him.

"Fine," you muttered. "I'll come..."

A large smile broke over Harrison's face and he fist bumped the air, whooping in delight.
"Yes! Thank you, (Y/N)! This is going to be great!"

You slapped his arm, eyeing him disapprovingly. "Hey! I wasn't finished! I will come if and only if ... you promise next week, we can have a movie marathon and you bring the snacks."

It took barely a second for Harrison to agree.

As you looked at his happy expression, you could feel a smile tugging at the corner of your mouth. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all.


"Shit, shit , shit!" you yelped as the burning end of the curling iron brushed against your skin.
"Why does this have to be so hard!"

It was barely three hours after your talk with Haz and, in your opinion, everything had already gone to shit.

After spending more than and hour try in differant outfits, mixing and matching your clothes and even sealing a few dresses out of your roommate's closet, forty-five minutes trying to get your eyeliner perfectly winged and then a not her age curling your hair, you were finally ready.

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