Peter/ Civil War (Pt. 4)

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It has been two weeks. Two whole weeks of posing at a student at this mangy school. You are getting fed up and irritated because every time you try to get the file you are after, something always get in your way.

Well, actually, someone.

Peter Parker.

Every single time you make a grab for the stupid file, he always seems to show up at the last minute and ruin your plan entirely! You don't know how he does it, he just seems to have some kind of sense that tells him you are about to seal something!

He hasn't recognised you. Yet. But you know it is only a matter of time before he realises that the superhero he battled in Germany and the girl he sits next to in chemistry are one and the same.

Peter's POV

As Peter moves through the hallways of his high school towards the doors, he can't help but feel uneasy. Nerves tingle in his stomach as he walks past the new girl and he frowns.

There is something about (Y/F/N) that feels off. He doesn't know why but he just gets a whole lot of weird vibes coming off her. She seems familiar and yet, he can't think where he has seen her before.


Later that night, Peter is walking slowly back from the shop, where he had been sent to buy milk for Aunt May, when he hears some loud arguing going on. Turning his head slighty, he quietly creeps closer, curious about what is going on.

"No, Steve! You were the one who put me on this assignment! I told you it might take a while but you didn't listen! It's your own fault!"

Peter's eyes narrow at the female voice and he gently sets down the bag he holds in his arms. He knows that voice, he hears it every day in Chemistry.

"(Y/N), please listen. I'm am very grateful that you are trying but you need to understand that we don't have all the time in the world. It's been two weeks." said a calm make voice and Peter has to hold in a gasp. He knows that voice too. Steve Rogers. And that name. (Y/N).

Suddenly his mind puts two and two together and his eyes widen. (Y/N), the girl he has had a strong crush on, ever since Germany, is the same person as (Y/F/N)!

As he thinks about the two girls, he has to resist slapping himself in the face. How could he not have known? He should have been able to recognise (Y/N) anywhere, but the simple disguise of differant hair colour and glasses had fooled him.

Suddenly, he realises that he can't hear (Y/N) and Steve's voices anymore. Peering into the always, he finds it deserted.

Letting out a loud groan, he picks up the shopping bag again. Tomorrow, he decides, he is going to confront '(Y/F/N)' and tell her he knows who she really is.

Your POV

The next day at school, you are still fuming after your argument with Steve. You know tat you are being slightly irrashinal but you are angry that he didn't take heed of your warning words. You told him right from the very beginning that this assignment will take time and he didn't listen!

As you storm down the hallway, you don't even notice a figure following you. You are late for class and, on top of everything, you didn't have time to do your homework last night so you have resigned yourself to the highly probable detention you are going to get.

But you never reach your class because someone seizes you by the forearms and drags you unceremoniously into the boys locker room.

You gasp as the door shuts behind you and whirl around to face your captor, only to come face to face with none other than Peter Parker.

Your eyes widen behind our fake glasses and he sees, smirking at your surprise.

"P-Peter? What are you doing?" you ask, deciding to keep up your act as (Y/F/N).

He just scoffs and rooms his eyes. "Don't play dumb with me, (Y/N). I know it's you."

Your shoulders slump and you let out a sigh, before reaching up and pulling off your glasses. To your own surprise, you are actually quite happy you don't have to hide from Peter anymore.

"Yes, it's me." You shoot him a small smile and he returns it.

"How'd you get out of that prison?" he asks, suddenly confused. You shrug.

"Steve. He broke us all out. We spent a few days resting in Wakanda before coming to New York because Steve had a-" Peter cuts you off.

"An assignment for you. Yeah, I know that part."

You frown at him, confused. "How? Did Tony tell you? How does he know?"

He chuckles, resting a claiming and on your shoulder. "No, Tony doesn't know. I actually only found out last night."

You furrow your eyebrows at him.

"I heard you arguing with Steve in the alley."

You let out a groan and rub a hand over your face. "Ooooh. I knew it was a bad idea to start arguing in public." But then you smiled greatfully at him. "Well, if anyone had to hear, I'm glad it was you. I actually need your help."


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