Peter - Our fates intertwined

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Don't forget to check out my Tom Holland Social Media fic called Lullaby!

To say that it was cold in New York was probably the biggest understatment of the entire year. The air had a stinging tinge, biting at the tender skin of anyone who dared not to cover up properly and turning it a bright red colour. A bitter wind swept it's way through the streets and the sky had turned a steel grey, patterned with the outlines of clouds.

You grumbled to yourself as you stood in the doorway of Delmar's, eyeing the outside weather with great distaste.

"Geez," you complained to yourself, shivering at the thought of stepping foot outside. "Just snow already."

"You know, Y/N," came the voice of Mr Delmar. You turned around to find the man leaning against the counter, his dark eyes glinting cheekily. "Talking to the weather is not going to change anything."

You made a face at him and turned back to the glass doorway. "Well, if I was  five years old, I would probably be hoping that if I wished hard enough, the clouds would beat it and we'd get a nice clear day. But since I'm not five and I know that even if I did wish for something, there are probably over a million over kids wishing all kinds of things and the odds that my wish will be granted aren't really in my favour. So I prefer to just sit and complain and pretend that there is something I can do."

Mr Delmar chuckled and shook his head a little, turning to put some cash into the register. "Don't you think you could have a chat with your friend Stark about that? I'm sure he could whip up some kind of tech to change the weather."

You frowned. Although that technically was possible, you would prefer not to talk to Tony. Being an Avenger at this time was certainly hard and with Steve refusing to sign the Sarkovia Accords, while Tony was pushing everyone to do just that, the entire were beginning choosing sides, leaving you stuck with practically no friends, no family and nothing to take your mind off the growing boredom that was FRIDAY's homeschooling. Many people would say that being in the team of 'Earth's mightiest heroes' was the job of a lifetime but they had obviously never been caught up in the middle of a fight between two of the most powerful men on the planet - one with an outlandishly sarcastic personality and the other, a sense of patriotism so strong it could rival all of America's presidents put together.

"Yeah, I don't think that's going to happened." You bit the inside of your cheek as you pushed a few strands of hair away from your face. "I guess I'll have to suck it up. See you around, Mr Delmar."

He nodded at you, turning away to help another customer. You braced yourself for a second, mentally preparing to step out into the cold, and then pushed open the door.


You winced as the cold air pierced the exposed skin on your face and hands, and wrapped your coat tighter around your body. Walking quickly, you made your way along the pavement, trying to hide your face from passers by as much as you could, so as not to be recognised as the youngest Avenger. Even without your trademark blue and silver catsuit, your face was still extremely recognisable, what with it being frequently plastered across television screens all across the country along with the rest of the team's whenever you won some big fight.

Brushing past the few people who had dared to venture outside, you hastily turned a corner, all the while keeping a weary eye out for anyone who could possible be watching you. Your heels clicked against the pavement and you focused your senses down on the repetitive sound, your eyes downcast.

Which was why you barely had time to slam on the breaks as a figure clad in what seemed to be a blue and red onsie swung past you on a kind of silver webbing.

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