Peter - Our fates intertwined (2)

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The metal wall of the cell was cold against your back. Your eyes were downcast as you sat slumped against the smooth surface, your fingers endlessly clasping and unclasping.

You weren't sure how long you had been in the cell for. It could have been days, it could have been weeks, you didn't know. All you knew was that after the fight in Berlin, everyone who had chosen not to sign the Accords was arrested, and left locked away in The Raft.

Occasionally a conversation would break through the sullen silence in the dark metal hell-hole. Your friends, each with their own seperate cell, would begin to talk amongst themselves. Sometimes there would be an argument, if someone was doubting that they did the right thing. At these times it was usually Clint Barton who seemed to be the most angry. Being arrested had hit him hard, because he had left his family to come fight and was now stuck God-knows-how-many miles away from them in some underwater prision.

However, since Tony had visited, everyone had seemed to fall quiet. Not even Scott Lang, who used to hum out tunes and tap his fingers to the beat of whatever song was playing in his head, spoke anymore. It was almost like the entire prision was holding its breath, waiting for something big to happen.

Every now and then someone would enter the circular room that all the cells surrounded to have a 'chat' with you. Most of the time it was Ross, who would always try to manipulate whoever he thought was the weakest of the group into telling him where Steve and Bucky had gone. Incorrectly, he always assumed that the most vulnerable was you and therefore spent hours making threatens and telling you how much the people you loved would suffer if you didn't cooperate. What he didn't know was that half your family was already locked away in this prision with you and the rest were untouchable, considering that they were multi-billionaires with tech that could make a nuclear bomb look like a small sparkler, master assassins would could snap people's necks with their baby toe and superbots welding the power of an Infinity Stone.
There was only one person who they could actually use to hurt you - someone you doubted that they knew about - and, unfortunately for them, not even you were sure who that person truly was.

Thinking about Spiderman caused you to sigh and drop your head back to rest against the wall. It frustrated you to no end that you had absolutely no clue who was behind that mask. Being locked ul had left you with a lot of time to think about the matter and yet you still kept coming up blank.

You began to close your eyes, in hopes of maybe falling asleep and getting some escape from the metal box you sat in. However, before you could get comfortable there was a ringing clang! and then a metallic screech. The door into the cell block swung open with a ominous creak and then the sound of footsteps rang through the cold air.

A long huff of air left your body and you forced your eyes open tiredly. Upon seeing who was standing before your cell, your expression changed from one of absolute apathy to one of surprise. For, it was not Senator Ross as you had expected, back for another interrogation. Instead, Tony stood before you.

The pair of you watched each other in silence for a moment. You took in the tired lines around Tony's eyes, the five o'clock shadow that decorated his jaw and the slump of his shoulders. He looked almost as bad as you did, only he was able to hide it behind a designer suit and a cocky attitude.

Finally, you spoke. "Tony." Your tone was icy

You sit in your cell, you head leaning against the wall. Your eyelids droop and you can feel the heavy drugs coursing through your system. They restrain your strength and make you extremely tired but don't let you fall asleep.

You had been captured along with the rest of Teama Captain, excluding Steve and Bucky, and was now sitting in a very creepy prison in the middle of the ocean.

You hear voices outside your cell and manage to lift your head a few inches to look out of the large glass window. Two figures are standing in the middle of the room. You recognise one as Tony but the other...?

They walk closer and you glare at Tony. It's his fault you are in the crap hole, drugg
Wüed and locked in a straight jacket. He looks away from your fiery eyes and it takes you by surprise. Is he actully guilty? Tony Stark, feeling guilty?!
Your eyes then meet those of Tony's companion. He looks quite young- around your age- with brown hair and deep brown eyes. Suddenly you know who he is. Spider-Man!

"Hey (Y/N)," he whispers. You try to speak through the haze of drgs but it comes out as a sort of groan/sigh. He bites his lip as he looks at you, concern and sadness filling his eyes. Then he turns away and walks over to Tony. They both turn and look at you.

Your eyes close and your head flops to the side but you can't sleep. The drugs prevent you from slipping into the inky blackness of unconciousness.

After a few minutes, the hairs on the back of your neck rise slightly. You lift your head off your own shoulder and look at the window. Both 'Spider-Man' and Tony are standing there. You just look at them, making sure to put as much hate into your eyes as you can.

Tony squeezes his eyes shut and walks away. 'Spider- Man' stays, though, just looking at you.

"What's your real name?" you say, your voice slurred and slow.

"Peter," he replies. You nod and lean your head back on the metal wall behind you.

"Why are you here? Like watching me get killed from the inside?"

Peter looks down at the ground. "No. I was worried about you."


Sorry it's so short, I was at a friends house for a double night over so I haven't been able to update. There will be a part three.

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