Tom - You're My Something Different

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"Oh hell no! Absolutely not!" You held up an accusing finger. "No way in hell am I working with him!"

Your superior agent, Director James Gordon, raised an disproving eyebrow at your behavior. His pale green eyes glinted coldly.
"You will if you want to keep your job." His tone was curt and sharp, making it very clear that there was no room for argument. You scrunched up your nose and contorted your features into a mask of pure loathing, but kept your mouth shut.
No matter how much you hated your new partner, there was no way you were risking your position at MI6 for him!

"Listen, love, I'm not exactly thrilled about this arrangement either," a thickly accent voice stated. You gritted your jaw tightly and narrowed your eyes, while keeping your gaze fixed on Director Gordon in front of you. Your finger balled into fists at your sides as you restrained yourself from turning around and punching him full in the nose.

Thomas Stanley Holland.
Before you met him during MI6 training, you could honsetly say you had never truly hated someone.
However, that all changed the minute you entered your first conversation with him. Right from the first second he had been a cocky moron who shocked you with the size of his ever-growing ego. Unfortunately, he was also in the same category of work as you, detective field missions, and so you had spent the majority of your training together as well has having to work relatively close alongside each other during real-life operations. 

"I suppose," Tom continued to drawl smugly, "if Agent Y/L/N isn't feeling competent enough to complete this task, I could always work with Agent Hoffman instead."

You rolled your eyes as you thought of Agent Hoffman, a young, inexperienced girl who was desired by most of the elligable men in MI6 because of considerable size of her breasts. Which, you knew for a fact, were completely plastic.

Turning around, you glared heatedly at the young man standing behind you.
"Be my guest, Holland. I wouldn't expect you to do any better."

Tom raised an eyebrow, a devilish smirk curling at his lips. "And who exactly would you consider 'better'? You?"

You let out a rather unladylike snort. "Please. If I wanted something like I, I would just go and snog a trash can."

Tom's dark eyes glinted as he opened his mouth to fire back another witty reply. However before he could utter a word Director Gordon held up a hand, looking diapeovingly between the pair of you.
"Stop it, both of you! Know your place. You are both trained MI6 operatives, not children, so act like it!"

Tom snapped his mouth shut at this. However you didn't miss the death glare he sent your way. A death glare that you had absolutely no problem returning in full force.

Director Gordon rolled his eyes at the pair of you before looking back down at the file on his desk.
"Now," he began, opening a file that lay on his desk while beckoning you forward. "Come here so I can explain the case."

You moved forward immediately, making sure to elbow your way in front of Tom before he could even take a step in the direction of the file. 

"As you already know," Director Gordon began, "four years ago the Schnieder family formed their own gang. In the time between then and now the family has succeeded in robbing over half a dozen other rich families. They tend to steal priceless objects, things like jewelry, paintings and family heirlooms." As he spoke Director Gordon pulled photo after photo from the file.

Both you and Tom nodded at his words. You were uncomfortably familiar with the Schnieder crime family, having had to work on a case involving one of their robberies before. Unfortunately for your, the mission had not gone to plan and, after being involved in a small altercation with one of the guards, you only just managed to escape. Things didn't go nearly as well for your partner, who had been decapitated by a fight spinner during your escape. Long story.

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