Thank you SOOOOOO much!!!

10.3K 74 1

Oh my goodness!!!! Thank you all so much. I just came onto Wattpad now and saw that this imagines book has hit 53 000 reads! What?!?!?! 53k? That is like, slightly over half of 100k. We're halfway, people, and it's all because of you!!! Thank you all so much, I love you guys!!!!!!

You're always so supportive and you always managed to make me feel great about myself. You have no idea how happy it makes me to know that people enjoy what I write, because I love writing these imagines!!!!

As a treat, I have published something new. I'm not going to say what it s but if you are interested, go check on my profile and find out! I hope you like it!

I cannot thank you guys enough for this. I feel so amazing right now!

I am going to try and update more than twice a week from now on. I've been having quite a few good ideas and I can't wait for you gusy to see them.

Lala_Shakespeare xxx <3

Tom Holland And Peter Parker ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now