Tom - Belle

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Requested by lolurnotlukehemmings
I changed the plot line a tiny little bit, so that it started before your character was actually cast. Hope you don't mind.

The hot sun beat down on you as you stood beside your trailer. Sweat clung to your face, dampening your hair and flushing your cheeks. Your teeth bit gently at your lip, your fingers tapping an irregular beat on your thigh. You were agitated, nervous and frustrated.

It had been months since you auditioned. Months! And still, there was no feedback. No calls, no text, not even a bloody article. You had spent hours scouring the Internet in search of any information but there was nothing. You had been left with vertually no idea what was going on.

Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped tightly around your waist from behind you. You shoulders relaxed slightly as Tom buried his face in your neck, placing a soft kiss to the skin there.

"Hey," he mumbled quietly. You leaned back against his chest, closing your eyes.

"Hey," you muttered lowly. Tom lifted his head slightly, scanning your face with his brown eyes. His forehead creased as his eyebrows furrowed together as he looked at you.

Finally he asked, "What's wrong?"

You huffed out a sigh.
"It's been, what? Four months since I auditioned? Four bloody months and they still haven't answered."

Tom pursed his lips.
"Don't worry so much, (Y/N). Just relax. Whatever happens will happen and we'll take it when it does."

You nodded slowly, a small smile appearing on your lips.

Turning around, you wrapped your arms around Tom's waist and leaned your forehead on his shoulder.

Suddenly your phone buzzed wildly from inside your pocket. You jumped and grabbed it, quickly turning it on.

"What is it?" Tom asked, trying to see the screen. Your eyes narrowed slightly and your fingers hastily began tapping away at the screen.

"They've released the official cast list for Beauty and the Beast."

"Does that mean...?" Tom trailed off, leaving the question hanging. You shook your head grimly.

"I don't-"

Tour whole body froze as you stared down at your phone. Your eyes were wide and your shoulder muscles tense. Tom looked at you uncertainly.

"Who is it?"

When you didn't reply, he gently took the phone from your hand and read the cast list himself. As large smile roken over his face before he swept you up in a strong hug.

"You did it," he mumbled quietly in your ear as your arms encircled him. "I always knew you could."

*13 months later*

The drive to the Beauty and the Beast premiere in London was the most exciting and most utterly terrifying experience of your entire life. The entire way, you were checking and rechecking your makeup to make sure none of it had been smudged. In honour of the event, you had been asked to wear the signature dress to all the premieres. 

Tom sat next to you in the limo, his fingers entertained with yours. He was staring out the window, lost in thought. As you looked over at him, you could feel your heart swell with gratitude, love and happiness. You weren't sure if you could have done it without Tom. The live-action Beauty and the Beast was one of the most highly anticipated movies of the year. Everyone on set was expected to hiring their A games for every shoot. However, playing the lead role of Belle has been extremely stressful and you know that if Tom hadn't been there to calm you down, you would have cracked under the pressure.

You were so incredibly grateful to your boyfriend. He was busy filming Spiderman: Homecoming and had been working overtime to make it one of the best Marvel movies to ever hit the big screen. And yet, he had still found enough time to spend with you.

As the limo pulled up in front of the red carpet, your felt your stomach churn with nerves. What if you said the wrong thing? What if you tripped? What if they didn't like you? What if something-

The door of the limo opened wide and you stepped out. Tom followed close behind, his hand never leaving yours.

As soon as you stepped onto the red carpet, the crowds clamouring around it went wild. Make people screamed and if there had not been security holding them back, quite a few would definitely have climbed underneath the railing.

A wide smile broke over your face as you stared at all of them. Their did actually like you!

Suddenly, your felt one of Tom's arms wrap around you in a side hug. Your smile grew even wider and you closed your eyes, leaning into him.

"I'm so proud of you," Tom murmured in your ear. "I always knew you could do it and now you have."

Your smile grew even wider.
"Thank you," you mumbled to him. "I couldn't have done it without you."

And as cheesy or corny as it sounds, you meant it with all your heart.

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