Meet and green - Donatello

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A normal afternoon in the big New York City, away from noise and high buildings, 16 years old (Y/n) (L/n) take her usual walk in Central Park, between the green trees and hummed quietly for herself. It was nice and sunny with only a light wind caressing her cheek.

You loved to be in the park whenever you got the time to. The nature, the sounds, the smell. All of it calmed you so much and made you feel like you were in a dreamworld. Here you felt home. Your real home was nice and big too, but the loneliness you felt when you were there, made your heart quive. Here was everything peacefully with free animals running around, living their own life with no sign of loneliness.

You walked down the path humming and smiling. When you passed some flowers, you bend down and sniffed to them lightly while admiring their beauty. You continued your walk into the park for awhile until you found a bench and decided to take a seat, while you watched passing people hurrying each their directions to locations only God would know.

Everything was so balanced and in harmony. You couldn't understand why people was so busy and took so less attention to the amazing surroundings around them. In same time with watching them did you realize that everyone was in company with someone else. Kids with parents, teenagers with friends, businessmen with partners. Everyone was with someone. Everyone, but you.

You sighed. The loneliness you felt weren't only on the school or at home. It was with you everywhere. Even when you was together with your "boyfriend", did it feel like you were empty.

A sudden bark tore you out of your thoughts and you looked to where the sound came from. To your surprise you saw a dog in full speed followed by a boy running right after, yelling with all might for it to stop.

When the dog didn't obey, the boy stopped up exhausted and gasped for air.

You stood up without thinking and went over to the boy worried. "I-I'm sorry. Was that your dog?" you asked kindly.

"What you'd think yourself? Of course it's my dog," he snapped of you. As he saw you winch, he sighed and continued. "Sorry for being rude. I mean; yes it's my dog. He have this bad habit with running away. "

You nodded understanding. "Can I maybe help you? I know the park pretty good and I know a bit about animals..."

It didn't took long for the guy to accept your help and soon you were split out to look for the missing dog. You had seen which direction the boy's dog had went and followed your memory. You went around the park for a time until you heard the sound of a dog barking, near you. You looked behind some trees away from others sight in the shadows and right there as you had seen it, was the dog you were looking for. You kneeled down to it carefully and reached your hand out to it as if to let it know you weren't coming with bad intentions.

The dog sniffed to your hand, growling, but as it realized you didn't wished it harm, it sat down on its hind-legs. You clapped it on the head and petted it between it's ears, smiling, which made the dogs tail wave excited from side to side.

"You're a good dog. What's your name sweetie?" you asked, still petting it. You got your answer, but it wasn't from the dog.

"Buddy, come here," the boy from earlier called at the dog not far from where you were. You stood as the dog ran back to its master and you smiled to the boy.

"I'm glad you found him again. He seems to be fine," you told him. Your smile though quickly changed to something near confused as the boy watched you, but he didn't seem happy, actually he didn't seem to look at you at all, but more at something behind you.

You turned on your heel and stumbled backward as you were met with a well-known face there peeked in to yours.

"Isn't that little (Y/n) we have here. What are you doing alone? Have your imaginary-friends also gone tired of you?" he asked with pity. The face belonged to one of the boys from your school there usually bullied you.

You turned your gaze down to your feet, afraid of answering him. If you said something wrong or acted some way you shouldn't, then you knew you wouldn't slip away with it without a punishment.

"It's funny I found such a slut like you here, I thought you had learned that no one wishes a loser like you around." His words was harsh, but it wasn't something that was new for you. He slipped a finger under your chin and forced you to look up.

Restrained you saw up at his eyes and the only thing you saw in them was hate and disgust. And it all was towards you. Your nerves were flushed and nervous you spoke in a small voice, begging: "P-Ple-Please..."

He continued without taking notice of your stuttering.. "Maybe I should teach you your lesson again and this time you maybe will listen?" he said caressing the side of your head.

Your whole body shook in fear and you quietly in your mind begged for someone would come to save you.  You closed your eyes waiting for the worst to happen, but as you stood there nothing happened. A sound of something heavy hit the ground, but else, nothing. You dared to open your eyes and widened them immediately as you saw the body on the ground

You looked around and saw a person a bit from you, hiding in the shadows of the trees surrounding you. Or wait..It wasn't a human. It looked like a...turtle? A giant, green, musculary turtle? No it didn't 'look like', it was a turtle and he had a purple fabric on there seemed to be a mask, around his brown eyes, along with a stick, you if you remembered right, was called a Bo-Staff. When he noticed your gaze was on him, he quickly backed backwards further into the shadows.

"Oh, I'm sorry Mr. Turtle. I didn't meant to scary you," you apologized and kneeled down on the grass as you had done with the dog.

Though he was in the shadows you could see that a small smile crossed his face. "Scary me? It's not me you should be in concern about," he said with a soft voice. "I'm surprised you haven't runned away, though you just have seen me knock your 'friend' out."

"You just saved me. How should I could run away, when you bothered yourself to do so? I'm grateful." You bowed your head in gratitude.

"Don't thank me, I'm glad you're alright, but go home, okay? The guy won't sleep forever," he told you and you could hear the care there was in his voice.

You nodded: "As you say. Thank you again Mr. Turtle." You bowed for him again a last time with a smile and afterward took your leave towards your home.

TMNT:  2003 Boyfriend scenario - Love Is Blossoming.Where stories live. Discover now