Reality check pt. 1 - Leonardo

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Warning: Content of following chapter is dark-themed and can by some be seen as disturbing(I think so too). Please read at  your own risk.






Step by step your body got heavier and heavier while your feet begged for mercy. However, no matter how much they begged you ignored them and your throbbing heart continuing  your run through Central Park's shadow-covered trees.

Your whole body was on the verge of fainting either from exhaustion or fear. Maybe both. Just a half hour ago you had been in the Lair like any other day. Don had worked on a new theory he had wanted to show his brothers. Considering, Leo probably would give you a briefing on it later you had decided to stay away and finish the homework master Splinter had provited you with. Everything had been perfect and in peace, until a huge explosion suddenly shook the whole place, letting sparks and smoke fly in the air. You had rushed from the  living room to the lab in utter worry about what may had happenrd when you heard shouts of panic.

You turned a sharp left through a couple of bushes ignoring the fact branches started cutting into you skin. When you had been in the Lair one voice had exceed the others'. "RUN! (Y/N), RUN!" had Leo's voice screamed to you. His voice was pained, but the warning was clear; it was a order, not a suggestion.

You had left the Lair as fast as you could and now been running for about 20 minutes straight. You didn't what you were running from and neither where you ran to. Everything that stood clear to you were that it was a bad idea to stop.

The night temperature dropped drastically letting the cold wind, which was starting to blow, seeping through your thin clothing. You froze and decided to penetrated through a lump of trees for cover, but soon realized it was a never ending labyrinth. The deeper you went the darker everything around became.

To a point where you barely could see, you suddenly fell over a thick root on the ground. As long as you were you fell unable to stop the fall. You tried to get up, but you were out of fuel, and ended up falling right back down. At last you gave up just lying there flat in a attempt to fill the lungs with air you had before stolen.

The guys at home, how were they? What had happened when you left? Where was Leo? You were clueless what kind of situation this was. Never had you ever imagined a sudden emergency to happen where you'd be on your own: helpless and hurt.

Sobs started to find their way through your lips when sudden sounds of movements reached your ears.  You froze at the spot gulping down your breath. Someone was out there and it wasn't far from you. Who was it?

They advanced towards you...

10 meters!





The steps turned around. You heard the presence of the person leave slowly but steady. When you were sure they were gone you exhaled ourt, making much more noise than intented.


You screamed out and jolted in horror when a voice right beside you called out your name. You were dead. You were so dead...

"(Y/n), darling, it's me, Leonardo."

To your startlement, when you connected the words with the voice it fit perfect. You glanced up to see it was true. Right beside you sat your loving boyfriend gazing down at you. Literally every part of you felt limp, yet relieved, when you exhaled once more.

"Leo?" you questioned. "How...? Why? What about the Lair?"

He smiled at you. "Everything's alright again." He took a hold on you and lifted you up from the ground. "I've been looking for you."

You leaned in to him for support and let him guide you through the difficult terrain you had ran past not long ago. "You have? But what happened? Are you alright?" Instead of getting an answer, you continued forward in silence, much to your confusion. You glanced at him in concern, but only his profile faced you.

The longer you went, the more cuts you got, and the more your muscles went sore. However, though it pained, it wasn't what you focused on. The grasp around you made you feel more like being dragged than supported. Something was off; Leo always answered when asked, and for another sake always were gentle with you. Now it felt like a completely stranger guided you.

You tried to move away, but almost as soon as you had removed, you were harshly pulled back to the extent where it hurt.

"Leo...It hurts," you told.

He didn't listen.


Without warning, catching you off guard, he abruptly tossed you against the nearest tree pinning you down by his whole body. The impact were hard, making you wimp in agony. Leo's hand brushed your cheek, a action you thought to be soothing, until he moved it down rubbing on your still open cuts.

"Does it hurt?" he asked in a whisper, ignoring your cringing reaction. The hand moved it once again, still pushing you up against the bark, and instead went to press on your wounds. "So fragile."

"S-Stop!" You voice was loud as as shout, yet it was spoken in a plea. Tears began stinging your eyes. You wanted to escape, but his grasp was too strong. "It-it's not like you."

For the first time since dating Leo, you felt fear whelm over you body. His hands were rough and his eyes were filled with greed and selfishness.  The person standing before you wasn't the fearless and honorable turtle you loved.

Gazing at the expression you were making, he smirked and leaned forward kissing your nape as if the whole fact seeing you terrified amused him. "Submit to me and show me more of that." He bit down on your neck not letting go before you skin was punctured and red seeped out.

"NO! STOP IT!!!" you cried out  He did it again and again like a predator eating it's prey with no mercy. You could feel pain rush to every spot and though you knew it was helpless, you begged. "S-Stop it...Please...Make it stop."

He smiled satisfied and went down under your clothes both mouth and hands. Being touched by a boyfriend was one thing; being forced to actually suffer through the things going on at the very instance, without a trace of love, caused by him was another. You felt disgusted and dirty. The closer he came to areas he didn't belong, the higher you screamed and pleaded for him to stop.

Neither of your limps responded at your ordered when you demanded to push him away. Not even your mind seemed to obey when it got more and more fuzzy and entangled from the true horror you went through. It wasn't a game of letting you feel well and give in, it was a clean act of humiliation.

"(Y/n)," he mocked mortifying near you ear continuing his wrong-doings. "Did you know what the smoke did from the explosion?"

Your voice failed to respond due to the pure agony that kept throbbing through your heart which now was beyond heartbroken. You simply shook your tearstained face, wishing with all might the world to end.

"It released our purest desires." His eyes, which long gone had changed his normal eye-color to red, penetrated yours. "I don't want anyone to hurt you. Nobody, but me."

Like a trigger having been pressed by his words, your whole being suddenly powered up again like a car finally finding fuel. Shock, disgust, sorrow; all your feelings overwhelmed you. You shook violently and every part of you heated up as if you were on fire. The darkness and coldness seemed to get worse to the point where your view nor any other senses could be used.


You heard Leo's voice melding into your cries.


One moment of being transfixed.



To be continued

TMNT:  2003 Boyfriend scenario - Love Is Blossoming.Where stories live. Discover now