Nothing lasts - Leonardo + A/N

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Hey guys

I'm really sorry this first was updated now. Honestly I'm not satisfied with these chapters, but I seriously found it hard to write something that could make it better. I've re-written every of them four times and this was what I ended up with. I could 've waited till next week updating, but I really want to continue you and the guys story, so please bear with me. I'll check it through again another day, promise!

Hope you'll enjoy anyway and as always thanks to you all for being so awesome and sweet(^3^)

There's always an end to everything. Everybody knows that much. You'd just never had thought it'd come so quickly nor hurt so much as you'd experience it to do today.

It had started out like a common Saturday with the guys returning from a training-run. However, instead of laugher or complains there normally would fill the Lair, you heard shouts and badmouthing echo between the walls. 

You looked at them hesitating as you stood on the stairs. It wasn't unusually to have Leo and Raph sneer at each other once in awhile, still though it seemed more furious than usual. You wanted to separate them from each other, but knew very well it'd only make things much worse.

At some point the fight ended with neither of them giving in. Raph made a last snarky retort, before he turned his back and stormed out of the entrance they just had entered. Leo breathed heavily before he turned and steered towards the stairs, passing you without a word. Behind you, you heard the sound of Leo's door being opened and closed again swiftly after, leaving you in the tense trail remaining from the fight. 

Your sixth sense told you something terribly wrong soon was to happen and that you probably should stay at a distance for today. Yet, still you headed upstairs to Leo's room hoping to cheer him up. After all what girlfriend would you be if you didn't? He had protected and helped you through thick and thin. The least you could do was returning the favor.

You carefully tried the door, only to find it unlocked. Silently you stepped inside and closed the door behind you, not surprised to find Leo in the posture to meditate. He neither reacted nor commented on your presence, but you knew very well he was aware of you. You stepped further into the room and sat in front of him, folding your legs beneath you. 

"Leo?" you started softly, while watching him tenderly. You waited patiently for a respond, but when you didn't get one you did a new attempt. "Leo, that before..."

"Don't," he interrupted. "I don't want to argue with two people today."

You hid your hands in your lap insecurely. "I don't want to fight..."

"Then stop."

You fell quiet upon his cold words. While seeing his stern expression you couldn't help but feel sad. You disliked with all heart he'd not let you support him. Clearly he was hurt, but instead of asking for comfort, he isolated himself. 

You knew it was stupid, but determinated to support him, you spoke up once more. "Raph didn't mean what he said."

Sighing in disbelief Leo loosened himself from his cross-legged position and looked at you impatiently. "And how exactly would you know that, (Y/n)?"

Caught of guard you instantly hesitated under his sharp gaze. "Uhm...Well...I-I don't, but his your brother, and I don't think you are anything he said."

"What should I use that to?" he scowled. "Your opinion is completely useless in that matter."

You winched. "H-Hey, I just tried to..."

"Tried to help?" He send you a cold glare. "(Y/n), you can't even help yourself. If you'll help with something then stop put your nose into my family business, when you aren't even a part it."

Your eyes went wide, but somehow you found your voice. "Don't talk like that to...!"

Leo slammed a hand to the floor, stopping you from finishing your sentence. "You were the one who brought it up! I warned you, but no. You absolutely wanted to play 'good girlfriend', when you obviously aren't one."

"W-Wha..." you stuttered. A storm of hurt surged over your body and soul. You got up on your feet, glaring down at him. Tears escaped the corners of your eyes, tracking down your cheek. "How can you say something like that?!"

As if a bad headache had attacked him, he took himself to the head and ignored your question. "I'm tired of this. Want to argue? Find someone else."

He stood up from his spot, and shocked you watched as he went to open the door. He signalled for you to leave, but you were frozen in place. The two of you stared at each other intensely. He emotionless repeated it, making your heart finally start to crack. Gritting your teeth you, marched over to the shelves and took a vase with flowers. Leo once had given you those flowers, but now instead of feeling happy, you felt regret. You headed towards the door and stopped only briefly to pour all the vase' content over him.

You shoved the vase in to his hands, before emerging out of the room. Your eyes clouded with tears when you reached the stairs. Barely able to see the steps you stumbly took, you made your way down. By accident you skipped a step, which instantly send you tripping. You desperately tried to keep your balance but with no use.

You fell forward, ready to hit the first row of steps. Just as you thought your days were over, a swirling whirlpool appeared where the stair had supposed to be. You flapped with arms and legs as you felt your body being sucked in. The pool vanished with a pop, and you were nowhere to be seen.

TMNT:  2003 Boyfriend scenario - Love Is Blossoming.Where stories live. Discover now