Irrational fears - Donatello

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This chapter was requested by Silvaira
Hope I lived up to your expectations ;)

The used phobias is:
Chorophobia = Fear of dancing
Coulrophobia = Fear of clowns

To no ones surprise, you were pretty easy to scary or rather startle. You weren't a chicken, but still there was some things you feared. Like the big charity arrangement your teacher had signed your class up to, where you should perform a partner-dance in front of a audience. You liked to work with charity, but dancing? See that was a different story. You didn't like to be in the center, when everybody stared at you. It was scary and uncomfortable.

You sighed inwardly as the doors of the elevator to the Lair opened up and a exhausted Donatello came to view. When he saw you, he seemed to brighten up a little and appraiched you infolding you in a hug, you returned.

"A-Are you alright Donnie?" you asked worried, feeling his muscles was tense.

"I'm alright. It's just that time of the month Mikey decides to become obsessed with something he've watched on TV," he told tired and smiled strained, "This time it's clowns and...I'm not exactly happy with it."

You tilted your head: "Why? What did he do?"

"It's 'cause of a movie we watched when we were younger," he shook his head. "It's not that bad, since you don't find many clowns in the sewers nowadays. But when your brother start jumping at you dressed like the guy from McDonalds, it's not easy to relax..."

Just as Donnie finished his sentence, just to confirm it, a white clown in yellow and red jumped out from a pillar, loudly exclaiming: "BOO!!!"

From where you were, you could see the uneasy expression of a rigid Donnie. He turned and send glares at the tripping clown: "MIKEY! I'm going to..."

"You have to catch me first!" the normally orange-masked Turtle laughed running away, leaving a startled you and a heavy breathing brother.

"He drives me crazy..." Donnie mumbled irritated, but seemed more worried as he observed your downcast features. "How did your day go?"

"Nnh..." you hesitated, only earning a even more worried look. Slowly you opened up and explained the situation you were in, and the embarrassing fact you couldn't stand people watching you while dancing, nonetheless when you danced with someone else. By the time you had finished, the two of you had headed upstairs to Donnie's room, now seated in a chair and on the bed with sp, eculation painted on your faces.

"I see..." he said, apparently have forgotten his exhaustion. "And it's just the audience who makes you uncomfortable?"

You nodded, feeling kind of bad for have shared so small a fear with you so considerate boyfriend. Though you felt like that, Don simply tapped his forehead thoughtfully with a pen. To your surprise, when his eyes met yours he smiled as if he just had gotten an idea. Getting up from the chair he had been sitting on, he offered you a hand to get you onto your feet as well.

"Then practice with me," he suggested, helping you up. "The importance in partner-dance is just to focus on her or him, and nothing else."

"What? I-I can't do that"

"Of course you can. Dance with me (Y/n) and it'll be alright." Giving a mixed gesture with shakes and nods of your head, Donnie pulled you closer and held around your waist, making your heart flutter. "Don't be afraid to make mistakes. I'm here with you, so you're safe."

Whether Donnie's rough tone was due to his lack of energy or not, then he still was as gentle with you as usually, making you grateful over how loved he made you feel

You tried with all might not to step on his feet, but it didn't seem like your own feet would cooperate when you were nervous. He though simply smiled to you encouraging, not seeming to mind, before you tried over again.

Donnie was uncomfortable with clowns, which weren't that irrational considering that he had a brother jumping out on him every now and then. For you, now that your hands was on the shoulders of your beloved one, a audience and not least dancing seemed less frightening.

TMNT:  2003 Boyfriend scenario - Love Is Blossoming.Where stories live. Discover now