Young, wild and in school - Leonardo

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New surroundings, new school, new people, new life. That was what waited for you, the second the bus stopped  in front of the school you now should call your home for the next three upcoming years. Calling a place like this, however, for home would probably take some time. Why? Because this so-called 'home' consisted of, four dorms, a main-building, a campus with even its own park included, and a athletic field.  

The size of the school and crowd of people were absurd to the point, where you'd think it was a fictional place, if not you had seen it with your own eyes. Somewhat, it was a magical sight, but on the other hand, it missed something...


It missed Leo.

24 hours ago you had parted, now again as nothing more than mere friends. You wouldn't nor couldn't cry over it. After all, you had been the one to leave. But even without tears, you could feel a longing for him. Three years without him. How would that be? What if you didn't fit in? If people didn't like you here? Then you'd go three years without the only person in the world who actually did like you.

"WATCH OUT-...!" a girl voice suddenly shouted, dragging you back to reality. .

"H-Huh...?!"  you uttered a second to late.

Before you knew of it, you were taken by storm, as a crowd of loud girls rushed past you and pushed you back. At the powerful momentum you stumbled backwards, only to fall over your luggage which so conveniently was stationed behind you. And so, just as quickly, as it had started, it ended, and you now found yourself, instead of your feet, sitting on the ground.

"Ouch..." you groaned, rubbing your sore end, which had acted as your cushion for the minor fall you just had been dropped. 

"Oh my gosh! Are you hurt?!" the same girl voice from earlier, exclaimed. finally revealing her appearance, as she quickly came running towards you.

"Y-Yeah, I think so..." you stuttered, a bit startled by her straightforwardness, as she pulled you back onto your feet without hesitation..

"That is a relief," she breathed out. Letting go of your arm, she gave you a light-hearted smile. "Guess you hadn't expected to be stomped down on your first day."

 "How do you know it's my-..."

"President!" a boy voice interrupted you.

From the crowd of girls that had accidentally pushed you, a boy emerged and quickly approached you. For a brief moment your breath was taken away completely, because dang that boy was handsome.

With broad shoulders, dark brown hair and a pair of deep blue orbs, the guy was a perfect magazine- model. Fit, yet not muscular like Leo. Tall, but not like a light-pole. Wearing a pair of lightgray jeans and a baby-blue shirt on top, the guy had absolutely no visible flaws. No wonder the girls ran wild. And what now? He was heading your way!

"And there you have your reason for falling," the girl spoke and rested a hand upon her hip when the boy stopped in front of you. "Honestly, Colt, you're a poor vice-president, letting them go all wild."

"Sorry about that," he apologized, turning towards you concerned. "I'm really sorry. You're not hurt are you?"

First now, realizing he was talking to you, you quickly shook your head. "No, I'm alright."

"That's great to hear." Giving you a warm smile, he reached out a hand. "You're (Y/n) (L/n),  our new scholar, right?"

"You know me?" you questioned, shaking his hand.

"Of course. I've heard a lot of good things about you. I'm Colt Mozou, vice-president of the Student Council. It's nice to meet you," he told and nodded toward the girl. "That's the president of the Student Council."

"That's me," the girl grinned cheerfully. "We'll be acting as your mentors the first couple weeks, so don't hesitate to ask us about anything."

"Thank you, but I just arrived and I need to registre me...."

"No problem,"  Colt replied, picking your luggage off the ground and nodded towards the main-building. "What about I show you the way, as an apology for earlier? Your own personal tour." 

Flustered by the suggestion, you blushed, but accepted the offer after a moment of hesitation. In the end you parted with the president and spend surprisingly the rest of the day in the company of Colt, who insisted to carry your things for you the whole way to your dorm.

Three interesting years was about to begin.

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