Meet and green - Michelangelo

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On the early morning of New York City, a exhausted 16 years old (Y/n) (L/n), run through the streets trying not to bump too hard in to the other people that were on their way to work as she hurried to school while the time was against her.

"Sorry. I'm really sorry sir. I shall pass please," you kept repeating as you flew down the street in a quick speed. "I so much gonna be in trouble for being late."

You had promised your parents that you wouldn't be too late for school again. You had done that yesterday and yesterday before that and the day before that. Now your parents's patient with you was about to be used up. It weren't your fault though. You just had the bad habit with staying up late at night and draw in your notebook and then before you knew of it, you woke up to shouts and yells from your mother and alarm-clock.

Though your breath already were heavy, you sped up and ran even faster. Turned one corner, then down to the right, then left, afterward left. And just like that you continued. You saw down at you watch and sighed. You had more or less 5 minutes before the bell called for first class. You needed to hurry, else your father would kill you. 

You turned away from the sidewalk and ran over the road without thinking. Drivers stopped their cars and stood on their brakes while cursing words after you as you made your way through the traffic. You sprinted away from the road and into the park. If you just made a little shortcut through the trees, then there actually would be a chance that you could reach school in time.

You went pass the trees and towards your school that now were in sight. So close you were, until something caught the corner of your eye and all your thoughts about school disappeared. Something moved in the bushes and as the only right thing to do as the school-newspapers's first editor, you snuck up curiously to the bush and looked through the leafs. You gasped indignant for what you saw. Behind the leafs was the one and only most popular quarterback and bully from your school, in the act of stripping a girl off. The girl didn't you know, but you knew that it wasn't his girlfriend. You had seen pictures of him and his girlfriend in the newspaper as the "Hottest Couple Ever". If you got a pic of his betrayal, then it would be one of the biggest sensations the last two years.

You took your bag off and found your phone in it. You turned it on, pressed your camera and directed it towards the scene. As you touched the button, did a flashlight suddenly fill your view and you stiffened. Shit. I forgot to turn the blitz off , you thought panicking. You crouched down as close you could to the earth, hoping they hadn't noticed anything. After a time, you breath out and dared to look up again through the leafs, but as you did, you almost jumped out of your skin as a eye looked back at you.

"Eh..Hey there. I didn't see anything at all," you said trying to sound as innocent as possible and got up in a hurry. "Oh well, I think I will take my leave...."

A roar came behind the bush as well as your schools quarterback. You ran as fast as you could and were pretty sure he followed you close behind. 

"Listen: Can't we say it all was a mistake, so you can come back to what you were doing?" You yelled over you shoulder which was met with a knew roar.

"You little...." he cursed after you.

"I take that as a no," you squeaked and ran faster. You saw some trees that stood dense like a little lump, so it was impossible to see through them. and decided to run over there for cover. You hid behind them and leaned as close you could to the bark, holding your breath. Someone came closer to the three you were hiding behind and you knew it was him, from recognizing the heavy breathing from running.

Don't look behind it. Don't look behind it, you begged to yourself silently.  After awhile,you heard the footsteps disappearing and you sighed in relief. with eyes closedand your back to the tree's trunk. 

"There you are you're little piece of shit," a voice suddenly approached you. You shut your eyes open in fright and saw the face of the only person in the world you didn't want to see at that moment. He pushed you in to the tree forcefully and placed both hands on each side of you. "Haven't you learnt it's a bad idea to stick your nose into others business?"

"I wasn't trying to stick my no..." Your words was drowned with a painful cry as he pushed you hard in the chest.

"Did I say you should talk loser?" He sneered and ignored the tears filling your eyes. "Did I say you could talk?" You was about to answer, when he pushed you once again. You bit your words in you and shook your head.

"Good girl," he clapped your cheek, like if you were a dog. How would you get out of this mess you had made yourself? You were known for being pure calamitous and only could make chaos. The place you had hidden was out of others view, so the chance for someone coming to your rescue was as big as zero.

"Uuh! Do we play petting games? Let me play with you. When I say 'Down', then get down." A voice suddenly said above you from the tree branch. Both you and him looked up and before you knew it something giant and green dropped down from the tree and on to the guy, so he was pressed down to the soil unconscious, which did that you suddenly were released. 

"Good boy and then stay lying," the green giant said and stood up from your school bully, he just had mushed under The giant smirked and repeated "Good boy" again and then moved his attention to you, who just stared at your savior. Your savior wasn't just a person. He was a turtle and a cool looking one to be said. He was a green, musculary, human sized turtle with a orange mask wrapped around his black-green eyes. Around his lower stomach was a belt put around with weapons looking like, no was Nunchakus.

"Are you alright chica?" he asked, looking at you with worry.

"Alright?" you repeated, "I'm more than alright! I just was saved by a superhero that looks like a turtle!" You excited hugged him. "Thank you for saving me! My names (Y/n). I can't wait to tell my friends about you. They'll be so excited!"

He grinned happy, but shushed you to be quiet. "It's nice to meet you (Y/n), but no telling anyone about me. It's our little secret alright?"

You looked at him with the disappointment shown on your face, but then got a idea in same time as looking at your watch. "Okay, I won't tell anybody, but you'll have to come visit me. I have to go to school now, but here." You took a pen from your pocket and wrote your adresse on his hand. Then, before he could answer you, you waved at him and ran the last way to school in all good mood.

TMNT:  2003 Boyfriend scenario - Love Is Blossoming.Where stories live. Discover now