Does fate exist? - Michelangelo

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A normal day as every other in the city of New York, (Y/n) sat at the fire-escape with her notebook, drawing whatever that came to mind. From clothing to animals, fantasy to reality. Anything simply possible.

You loved sitting outside your window, just using your time on drawing. That was the only place you had where your mom wouldn't go tell you: "Drawing isn't for a fine lady blah blah blah." You weren't really what you could call the favorite daughter, at least not with your parents expectations there was about old-school stuff and acting. Girls couldn't go in jeans, girls should stand straight at all cost and have manners and charm. No, you wasn't like that. You stood up late, went late to bed, messed around, stood on skateboard. Everywhere you were things became a chaos with the whiff of a tomboy.

Right now since you were grounded for have been to late to school in a streak of two weeks, you were in the middle of the best draw to date. You were drawing this green turtle you had seen a couple days ago saving you from your school's quaterback. All your times recently had been about him. The green skin, the weapons in his belt, the orange mask; you tried to get all the details you could remember in to the draw.

You glanced a few times in through your window into your room. It wasn't messy, just personally organized with all of your things lying a little everywhere your place. Your walls was plastered with pictures you had taken with your camera, drawings you had drawn and artikels you had written. Your mom up to uncountable times had tried to force you cleaning your room, but now after you had filled 16 she had given up. At least on that topic, she still scolded you at the table when your posture was too slacken and weren't dressed in a dress like a real female should.

Your pencil almost flew at every scribble you made. One line after another became connected and revealed the picture of a turtle in ninja outfit. The sketch was ruff, but the idea clear. The grin he had send you was a bit harder to construct, but you managed it. The only thing that kept bringing you trouble and putted your eraser in to use, was his eyes. You had the picture in mind, but just couldn't get it out on paper. After the 100th time of trying, the end of your pencil snapped off and to be worse you couldn't delete what you just had drawn, since your eraser had been used up as well.

"Seriously?!" you exclaimed out loud. You laid your notebook down and the iron surface and climbed through the window into your room. If you remembered right you still had a lot of erasers you hadn't even used once yet, it was just about finding them. You started your search, as every other civilized person, under your bed. When there were no luck there you tried your tried your wardrobe and afterward your table.

"C'mon, I know you're somewhere down here," you spoke as digging through one drawer after another. "Errrraser, c'mon ouuut. You too penciiil." You knew it wouldn't help calling them, but it felt more productive doing so. 

Finally after been the whole furniture through you, of course, found it in the last drawer you checked.  Not only an eraser, but a functional pen as well. You took them with you and climbed back out to the sun. The good thing with your little hideout place was, that even at broad daylight with the sun high on the sky, your fire-escape was in a alley out of the passing people on the street's view. You erased the error from the draw and continued a bunch of more attempts.

After an half hour later you sighed out: "I give up!" with your hands in the air.

"Don't say that chica. I think your draw looks amazing," a encouraging voice suddenly said from above you.

You looked up startled, just to find that one person you had had in your head for days, smiling down at you from the floor over you. You gasped a bit making him grin a more.

"I know, right? Too hot for my own good," he said, before flipping gracefully down to the railing in front of you, making you gawk. "What's up?"

"You exist!" you yelped, when the surprise first had taken off. "You're the green hero guy who were sitting at our school's number one bully....You're...You are...well." When you thought back to the moment, it came to mind that you never got the turtle's name actually.

He pointed to himself proudly. "That is me indeed. The name is Mikey. Or Michelangelo if you ask. And you're (Y/n), the girl who wrote on my hand," he stated.

You nodded. Looking at his eyes now, the perfect idea popped into your mind and you started drawing on your draw again. This time  you only had to delete once, before your masterpiece was complete.

"I finished it," you announced and showed him your finished work.

His eyes went wide and his jaw dropped. "Whaaat? But that's amazing! It looks completely like me. You must have used many hours on it."

You blushed  a little. Now when you thought deeper in to it, you had used all your time on it. "I'm glad you like it," you said. "I-If you want you can have it. It's after all of you."

"You mean that?? For real?" he asked excited. When you nodded, he made a flipflap easily in the air and landed in a handstand on one hand, while the other reached out for you, grinning. Of his high spirit, you giggled and handed him your art. Putting it somewhere in his belt, he flipped back to a sitting position, looking curious behind you to your room. Figuring out he must've wanted to take a look inside, you were about to invite him, but before you could say a word he already was gone.

You looked around confused just to see him admiring your various work inside your room. You gathered your colors, pencil and other tools and went inside. Mikey was specially interested in the hero and villains sketches you had made.

"I guess you like comics too," you commented while putting your belongings into the chaos they once before were. 

He turned to you amazed. "I never met someone still remembering Stainless Steel Steve or Joey Lastic other than me."

"Well...How can you forget the the first Justice Force? They are legends," you asked as if it weren't obvious enough.

"I know I have met them myself. I'm one of there newest members...."

"What you mean like...?"

Mikey interrupted your words and bowed to you: "Turtle Titan to your service chica."

You gasped loudly, your eyes almost popping out. "What? No way! I have made fanfiction of you. You're really him? That's so cool!"

He smiled and winked to you. He continued looking around your room complimenting it. Every time he did, you got a little brighter and relaxed more. Something with his cheerfulness made you want to show more of yourself to him. You wanted to show the real you that everyone else didn't knew of, or at least pretended that they didn't.

At last you sighed. "If you want you can have them. Rather that. than they just go to waste in a trashcan."

"What?" He turned to you, with his nose wrinkled. "Why would you throw them out?"

"I don't want to, but one of these days my parents won't let me have them. It's not proper for a girl," you replied looking away from him and gestured around you. "I'm not proper for a girl.."

He shook his head as in protest. "Whoever told you that has no clue. Your the most perfect girlish girl I've met. Trust me, the girls I'm with are constantly trying to kick my shell off..for various reasons. " He grinned at you. "Whatever you do, stay as you are now. There's no fun in letting boring people tel you what's fun."

Half embarrassed, half surprised, he had left you speechless, which barely happened for you. A beeping suddenly woke you up from your daze. Mikey revealed a phone from his belt, which had form like a little turtle-shell. To your confusion as he turned the screen on, his smile faded in to a grimace of worry.

"I gotta go. Remember what I said chica and we'll sees soon." With no warning he waved to you in greeting and ran to your window jumping out. You watched as he climbed up of the fire-escape, and the last thing you heard was him yelling: "Klunk!"

You smiled to yourself Maybe, this could lead to a new stage in your life. 

A life where you could be free. 

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