Dinner? Yeah, sort of - Michelangelo

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Fun? No matter which Michelangelo or dimension you're with or in you know one thing for certain: There's going to be a party!

You had the great honor for the evening to cook a delicious dinner with the Lair's most dazzling chef. And that was of course no other than Mikey himself. Ever since you moved in you had had the amazing experience to taste your easygoing boyfriend's cooking. It wasn't gourmet food or anything like that, but it was simple everyday meals that tasted delicious.  

You weren't that bad a chef either. The main reason for your skills with pots and pans came down to the way your parents had raised you. Your mother always had told you the condition for a good wife was her work in the kitchen.

The second reason, which also was the one you shared with Mikey, was the fact that cooking was an art just like drawing and writing: A way to express yourself simultaneously as enjoying the sweet taste of a good meal. Sadly, however, like any other art it can be abused for evil.

Mikey grinned at you brightly as he juggled with the bowls of salat and fries he had in his hands while repeatingly singing: "Easy piecey, lemon sqeezey."

You giggled and clapped your hands as if you were watching a street-preformer perform. "You'd know if you lose the food, we won't have dinner, right?"

Carefree Mikey added a new trick to his juggling. The bowls began to spin in the air and the content in them started to wobble dangerously towards the edge. "Don't worry. When how many times have I ever lost something?"

"That's what's worries me..."

"Trust m... Uh oh!" Barely had he opened his mouth before the worst case-scenario happened. Like a frisbee the bowl of fries flew through the air in a beeline towards you. Unable to dodge you closed your eyes at last second as tthe bowl landed on top of your head upside down, letting the fries rain down upon you.

"Chica! Are you alright?!" Mikey ran over to you and lifted the part of the bowl that covered your eyes up. Jolted frightened as his eyes met with yours he quickly put back down the bowl. "Oh, uh, uhm..."

Very slowly you lifted your hand and removed the bowl gazing up at Mikey. Just seeing Mikey gulp with fear made you somewhat amused. You broke in to a flirty smile and inched towards him slowly. "Trust you, you said?"

Completely confused by the fact you weren't mad, Mikey froze at the spot following your moves nervously with his eyes. "I-I'm sorry, chica."

Your eyes locked with his, you pressed yourself against his plastron like you wanted to seduce him.  You ran a finger up his arm sweetly. "I'm sorry, too, for what I'm about to do."

Swiftly as the words left your lips your expression changed. You grabbed a handful of salad from the bowl Mikey still was holding and threw it right at his face. Mikey blinked surprised while you laughed happily you got your revenge.

"You're not angry?" Mikey questions baffled.

"Not after seeing the look on your face," you replied grinning widely.

"Alright then, I'm going to have my revenge, mwhahaha!"

Mikey's normal smile returned. Grinning mischievously he tossed salad at you which gained him a whine from you.  Soon enough the both of you was laughing and what had been a moment of cooking ended up being a food war.

Throwing, hurling and tossing food everywhere, too busy with playing around, you didn't notice Raphael who stood at the entrance watching. He sighed. "I guess, we're going to have pizza... again."

TMNT:  2003 Boyfriend scenario - Love Is Blossoming.Where stories live. Discover now