The effect of love - Raphael

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After you had admitted to yourself that you actually like-liked Raph, you felt weird around him. You realized not only you liked him, but that the relationship you had had with your ex-boyfriend hadn't been real at all. Raph made you feel things you never had before, something that you surprisingly didn't mind.

You still hadn't said anything to him about how you felt, and for the time being you had no plans to either. You walked into your room in pajamas with a towel wrapped around your head as you heard a tap on the window. Knowing who it was, you took a deep breath, before you turned and went over to open the window.

Just as you had thought you found Raph on your fire-escape, holding a motorcycle helmet under his arm. He smiled at you, figuring out you just had returned from your shower after have been in the gym.

"Hey," he greeted. "Finished early huh?"

You went inside, rubbing your hair with the towel. "Yeah. My parents are out, so I had to put my brothers to bed."

You straightened from the bend position you had been, seeing Raph had entered your room and now sat on your window-frame. "They are heavy sleepers?"

"On a Friday? Yeah, I don't expect them to wake up before sometime tomorrow."

"Perfect," he said, smirking. "Then you maybe wanna take a ride with me?" Temptingly he held the helmet he had up towards you. "I need some fresh air. And I could use some company."

You rolled your eyes. "I don't know Raphie. I gotta keep an eye on the small ones."

 "Aww, c'mon, You said it yourself; they won't wake up before tomorrow." He threw the helmet to you, just giving you enough time to catch it at the last second. "I won't keep you all night." 

"I'm not sure..."

"Just come. We both know you want to."

You hesitated at first. He wasn't wrong. You did want to take his offer, but you had to stay. In case if your younger brothers needed you, you should be there. On the other hand, they both slept, so a little ride couldn't harm.

"Alright,  just let me change first," you gave in.

As answer t that Raph grinned at you and went out of the window, jumping down to the alley under it. You took your normal clothing from your wardrobe and changed into it. Glancing a last time into the living room, you made your way out on the fire-escape and climbed down to the alley where Raph was waiting by his bike.

He sat up and waved you over, helping you up behind him. You got your helmet on and wrapped your arms around him, getting a bubbly tickling in your tummy. It wasn't the first time you had sat on the 'Shell Cycle' as he called it, but it was definitely the first you had while you felt as you did. 

He started the motor and before you knew of it you were flying through town out of the city with wind in your hair, holding to Raph tightly. Once you were out of the city you stopped up a slope over the city. At that time you were faced with the fact, the whether had gotten a lot colder. It was a beautiful view, but with chilly air you shuddered under your too thin jacket.

"Take this." Obviously having noticed your trembling, he placed the jacket he had worn, around your shoulders. Unable to resist, you smiled at him and snuggled in to it, which coursed a blush from him you soon followed up. The longer you sat there wrapped into his scent, the more your heart started pounding, while you watched the city light silent with him by your side. To get rid of the awkwardness in the air, you both started chitchatting randomly, which quickly changed the awkwardness to laugher.

After a bit over an enjoyable hour, Raph said: "Well...guess I should get you back home."

"Yeah..." You nodded smiling. Though you had gotten warmer, Raph allowed you to borrow his jacket for the rest of the night as he drew you home.

TMNT:  2003 Boyfriend scenario - Love Is Blossoming.Where stories live. Discover now