Bonds grows stronger - Leonardo

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As Leo had promised, he came and visited you regularly, just to see how you were doing. In the start, he were rather reserved still, but as you got to spend time with him more and more, both you and him started to relax and your relationship grew into a nice friendship. 

"Soo, you live with three bothers?" you asked curiously, as you sat on your bed with your legs crossed and chitchatted with Leo, who were sitting in your chair.

"Three brothers and my dad, " he corrected lightly. "It's not easy all the time, but well family is family."

You nodded, looking to your wrist which again had recovered. "I don't have siblings, but I bet it's cool having one. And then even three of them." 

"Well, it's frustrating  sometimes, but even so, I couldn't wish it any other way."

You shook your head and smiled at him. "If they are in family with you, they must be amazing. Can't you tell me about them?" You got up and went over and took his hand, leading him back to your bed, so he could sit with you. "Pretty please."

Chuckling he sat beside you, not able to stand your puppy eyes. "You know, I'm a ninja?" You nodded excited. "So are my brothers. Though Mikey usually call himself superhero too."

You giggled. "How's Mikey?"

"He's not hard to notice. He usually hangs out with  either his comic books, the TV or his skateboard. If not he's in the middle of being chased by Raphael, that is."

"Raphael? Why would he chase him?"

"Raph has a temper bigger than anyone, and Mikey often love testing it. He can be reckless, but he's good. When he can't get his anger out on the punching-bag and instead smash something else, he always apologize after Donnie fixes it."

You thought about what you were told: Mikey = easy-going,  Raph = hot-headed. Then the last brother must be Donnie. So far what you had been told, no of them sounded like the Leo you knew.

"Donnie fixes things?" you asked as to make him continue.

Leo nodded. "Fixes things, builds things, creates things, anything you can think of; Donnie has the answer.  The smartest guy, I know. His easy to find, too, he normally spend his time in the lab."

"You said, you had a dad too right?"

"Father and sensei all in one. Master Splinter is wise. He has learned me everything I know." Everything Leo told you about his family sounded so magically and you couldn't help noticing how happy he seemed, while telling you about them. It was so different from your own situation, making you wonder, if you ever would get a family like that. 

A sudden hard knock on the door to your room made you jump half a meter. Leo had his katanas out from their scabbard in under a second. "(Y/n) (M/n) (L/n)! Open this door immediately!" your aunt's voice shouted behind the door.

 You glanced nervously to Leo, who send you a small nod as to open the door. You stood out of your bed and opened the door ajar, just enough to see your aunt glaring at you. "Yes?" you asked.

"Don't 'Yes' me girl," she snapped of you. "Who are you in there with?"

"It's no one...I just talked to myself..." Your aunt tried to peek inside your room, but you just closed the door even more and covered her view..

She started pressing against the door, pushing her way in, but you stood your ground and prevented her from coming in. "What are you hiding? God dammit girl! Open the door!"

You couldn't let her in. You promised, you wouldn't expose Leo's existence,  no matter what. If that meant getting in trouble, it just had to be like that. She kept on pushing on and at last she gave her all, which was enough to slam the door up and make you lose your balance and fall to the floor; a position you had been in so many times before.

"It's not what you think!" you tried to convince her. "He's not..." You waved demonstratively back to where Leo once had been, just to realize, when you looked, he was gone. Perplexed you gazed around you, but you were all alone. As if he never had been there.  

Your aunt snorted. "Talking to herself. That's why no one ever will fall in love with you." She gave you a glare of disgust and turned around leaving out the door, she just had barged up.

For awhile, you just stared blankly at the door, but closed it again, when you had come to yourself. Where was Leo? You didn't had to wonder for long, before a quiet sound of feet landing on the floor behind you was heard. When you turned, the one and only turtle in blue stood tall before you.

"Are you alright?" he asked, worry showing on his features.

You smiled lightly with your (e/c) eyes looking down. "Yeah...I'm okay...She were nicer than normally." Actually your heart felt empty. For some reason, the else so normal harsh words hurt more than usually.

Out of the blue you suddenly felt a pair of strong arms embracing you. You widened your eyes, but closed them again, as you let the warmth from Leo soothe your heart. You put your arms around him and hugged back.

It hurt more than usually, yes. But it were easier to pacify it as well. Leo hugged you till you felt better and after that hang out with you the rest of the night till he said he had to go home.

TMNT:  2003 Boyfriend scenario - Love Is Blossoming.Where stories live. Discover now