A/N I'm really happy/sorry!

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Hey you all!
I really hate to update a A/N without any chapters. I'm really sorry for that, but my aunt is on visit, school is keeping me busy(preparation to leave school), and I'm under the condition of a writer-block.

I've managed to follow my schedule and accomplished to update every or every second weekend so far, but recently it's been more of a update every second. It's sad, but I'm sure as soon everything settled and my writer-block is gone that I'll be able to update every week once again.

All the negative stuff aside, then let us change topic.
I have over 16,4k readers! That's completely insane and all thanks to you😘😘.

Thank you for the votes and the sweet comments I've received. It's incredibly encouraging and makes my day that so many like the writing I put so much of my time into. Once more thank you, old as new, readers and friends. You're all really awesome and fantastic people😍😚.

Oh, and before I forget; if anybody has a request of some sort, then feel free to let me know. Maybe it'll help me with any writer-block ❤

See you next weekend, where a important person maybe once again will enter your life ;)

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