Time doesn't matter - Leonardo

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Three years.

Three long years were gone in a flash of lightning.

You had past the last few years managed to get new friends, new memories, new experiences and a whole heck of new knowledge, all in only three years. It had been a wonderful time, you wouldn't ever forget. So many precious places and people had found their way to your heart on  so short a period of time.

The day of your departure had been a emotional roller coaster of heart-throbbing goodbyes. Specially your goodbye with Colt had been one of the sadder ones. He had suggested you that you could go visit him in the states sometime and had given you his address, enfolding you in a tight embrace, you had returned, before he let you enter the bus, which would take you back to New York City.

It would've been a lie, if you had said, your heart didn't ache a little, when you watched Colt's blurry figure fade into the distance, after had been together everyday for 1095 days. Of course, your heart was aching with sadness.

But it was throbbing with excitement too.

Why wouldn't it? After so long you'd finally be reunited with the only true love in your life: Leo. You hadn't seen each other, even less talked together, but now you were only a few streets from one another. As soon as the bus would stop, after a day of driving, you'd at last be back where you had begun.

With a screech, the bus came to a halt at the bus stop and the door swung open. Stretching your stiff body, you gathered all your belongings and hurried out, just to immediately be hit by the familiar sensations of New  York City. The deafening sounds, the smell of fast food and the overtaking view of large skyscrapers and buildings of bricks were the first to greet your return.

Pretty much the total opposite of the beautiful environment you just had spend three years of your life at, but so again, who really cared? It was your home and no matter how wonderful environments you before had visited, you would always end back here at the Big Apple.

The city looked exactly like how you had left it, much differently from you. Maybe your appearance hadn't changed that much, but your point of view certainly had. You left as a inexperienced teenager and now returned as a matured, fine young lady.

...Had Leo changed, though?

Had he forgotten about you? Had his appearance gotten a modification? Had things in the Lair changed? How would he react when he saw you? Would he take you back after all those years?

All your questions, all your worries, everything faded at that exact moment you turned the last corner, leading you towards the right manhole.  Your steps slowed, while your heart suddenly went into a marathon race. You didn't need to go to the Lair to know. You didn't need to ask your questions to know. Because your answer stood right behind the next. Leo stood right behind the next corner.

The Turtle in green you had left behind for three years ago was right in the exact same alley as you, standing taller and more glorious than ever. The same comforting look in his eyes, his strong demeanor. It really was him. It was Leo and...

He was waiting for you.

"LEO!" you unconsciously exclaimed.

Not giving a care in the world, you abandoned you luggage and practically jumped six feet, landing secured into his arms, making him stumble backwards, which folded tightly around you the second your bodies hit.

"Welcome home, (Y/n)," he greeted with a happy chuckle as hugging you tightly. 

"T-Thanks.. O-Oh my GOD, I-I miss-missed yo-you," you choked out, through the happy tears, which were streaming down your cheeks and onto Leo's shoulder. "I-I'm s-sorry, I d-didn't wa-want to c-cry." 

"I missed you too." Rubbing your back to .calm you down, he leaned down and gave you a peck on the lips, before wiping off your tears. "Even crying you look just as beautiful, as I remember."

Giving a suppressed squeak as answer, you rested your head in the crook of his neck. You were together again after so long time, yet this felt like the most natural thing in the world. New York CIty wasn't your home. Leo was your home and you ha finally come back.

You had a lot to catch up on and probably a lot to talk about, but right at that moment you did nothing about. You continued to embrace each other and enjoy the warmth you were exchanging. Never should you part again. Not not, not ever.

TMNT:  2003 Boyfriend scenario - Love Is Blossoming.Where stories live. Discover now