Bonds grows stronger - Donatello

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As Donnie had said you did get the chance to see a lot afterwards. Every time after school you went to the same roof you had fallen asleep on and hoped to see your new friend.  Often where Donnie there already or came short after to see how you were doing.

As you met more and more, you came to realization that you both had a lot in common and the the conversations and fun you had, could keep on in eternity. Today were no different, and your  conversation was heated with all kinds of things. The only thing that stuck out, were your activity level in the talk . 

"But even though some people think large hadron collider would destroy Earth..." Donnie came to a halt in his words as he saw you again seemed to have zoned out. "(Y/n)..?"

You stared out in the distance, not really paying attention to anything around you, but as you felt the hand gently brush your (h/c) hair away from your face, you startled snapped out of your daze. You looked to your side, seeing Donnie looking at you with concern.

"(Y/n)? Are you alright? You seem out of it today," he said.

You blinked a couple times, before sighing. "I'm sorry. I forgot to listen again, didn't I?"

"If you feel ill maybe it would be best if we...."

"No, no, no. I feel fine." You shook your head and hands, before he could finish his sentence. "it's nothing really. Don't worry about it."

He looked at you puzzled, knowing something weren't as it should be. "You know if there's anything wrong you can tell me, right?"

You nodded slowly, looking down depressed. "My boyfriend. He broke up with me," you said in a small voice. Donnie were always so sweet to you. You couldn't understand why, since nobody else seemed to care for you at all. 

Shocked Donnie widened his eyes. "What? Why would he do that?" You didn't answer right away, making him doubt. Placing his finger underneath your chin, he raised it to look into your (e/c) eyes. "Please tell me."

"He said he didn't needed me anymore. That he had found a new nerd with brain and beauty," you quoted. You could feel your heart start to ache painfully in your chest "I thought he loved me, but he said it was impossible to love someone like me..."  

Seeing Donnie's unspeakable expression, you turned your gaze away. It wouldn't be a surprised if he thought like that too; that you weren't a person born to be loved. The only reason you could think of, why he didn't say it to you too, was because Donnie was too nice a person. You sniffed lightly, trying to hide the fact that your eyes burned with the urge to cry. If you started weeping you probably would scare your only friend away. You couldn't bear it, if that happened.

A arm carefully wrapped around you in a protectively way. You looked up, just to let your eyes meet with a pair of kind ones.  "Don't listen to that guy. You're beautiful the way you are." He smiled at you. "There are every reason to love you. It's not impossible, 'cause I already do."

A bright pink fell over your cheeks as you heard his words. When he realized you were blushing, he did too and quickly corrected himself: "Uhm..As friends o-of course."

He send you a nervous grin, making you giggle. You rubbed your eyes and smiled to him with the usually smile that again was bright. "Thank you Donnie. You're the best." You put your arms around him and hugged him.

"W-well, what do you have friends for?" he asked hugging back. "I've always been told you're unique and that should be used as a advantage. My dad tells my brothers and I all the time." 

"You really think I'm unique? I'm just a freak loving science. I'm not special," you said feeling slightly embarrassed for being called unique. When you looked back up to him, you surprised saw Donnie, watching you with a sceptical look.

"A freak loving science?" he chuckled. "I think you have forgot that you're talking to a giant mutated turtle. Also, you are special (Y/n) no matter what. Just as the periodical system you're part of something bigger. We all need you in one way or another."

"You really must be made of sucrose Donatello. You always are too sweet against me," you admitted and let go of the hug you had forgot all about from before. (Fact: Sucrose is the chemical name for table sugar.)

You're way of words made him chuckle even more. "Not quite. Actually like all other beings here on Earth I'm made of mostly;  carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, H2O and phosphorous. that mixes into various combinations and create what we are...."

You nodded and soon after your conversation was back to normal with exciting scientistic facts you happily shared together. Nothing was worth being sad over when Donnie was there to keep you company.

TMNT:  2003 Boyfriend scenario - Love Is Blossoming.Where stories live. Discover now