First Kiss

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QOTD (easy):
What was Luke Hemmings' favorite animal?




"That was the best Luke!" you said as you two make it in front of your porch "yeah..uh..(Y/N)?" Luke ask looking down at you "yea.." you said.

Luke lean down and so did you. When your lips met him, the butterflies and fireworks went crazy in your stomach. Luke and your lips move in sync its was perfect. You both pulled away blushing when Luke said "I'm gonna go now beautiful, see you tomorrow!" You shook your head smiling like crazy as you waved your hand on him. "yeah ok bye!"


"Its so high Calum!" you said almost shouting when you two are in the ferries wheel. Calum laugh and holds your hands he lift your chin and look into your eyes.

"(Y/N) I always want to do this.." Calumny said stroking your cheek. Sparks were at your body as he do it "do wha..." before you finish your sentence he presses his lips at yours.

Your cheeks flush when he hold your hand you both pull away staring at each other and smile like idiots.


As you and Michael were running each other, You were trip at the carpet and Michael fall on the top of you. You blush staring at him, he leans in and you close your eyes.

It was a perfect kiss. You two pull away laughing. "That was perfect!" Michael breaths a laugh and stare into your eyes.

"Yeah it is.."


Ashton were blindfolding you where God knows where it is."Ashton where are we going?" you ask "It's a surprise come on" Ashton said.

Ashton gently took away the blindfold, you were surprise at the place it was a romantic picnic!

You just stare at place for a moment with an adoration in your eyes. "Wow...This is amazing!" you said hugging Ashton. He smiles and hugs back, he look down at you and smash his lips at yours.

And surprise too you kiss back and after a second you both pull away "I always wanted to do that" you giggled as Ashton tuck some hair behind your ears.

"Come on I like too eat in this romantic picnic!"


5 Seconds of Summer Preferences & Imagines [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now