Unsaid 2 [Ash]

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"Come hang out with us today!" Ashton’s chirpy voice sounds on the other line. "Who is us?” you ask skeptically. “Me and Kaylee” he answers. You pull a face and pretend to be sick, only because you know Ashton can’t see you over the phone. “Uhhh, no thanks, i’m busy” you then reply, after feeling that you have silently cursed Kaylee enough. “Why do you never wanna hang out with us?” Ashton whines, almost childish-like. “I miss ya! I haven’t seen you in ages and you’re always too busy to come out!” No, i’m too busy to come out with you and Kaylee you correct him in your head. The truth is you miss Ashton too. You were so excited for him and the rest of the boys to come back from tour so you could all hang out again and share stories of the tour and your very boring life here in Sydney, but every time you are around “Kayton” (Ashton’s and Kaylee’s ship name. Barf.) you experience a sickening, chest-tightening sensation you can only describe as insane jealousy and hurt; hurt that you’ve been replaced, not only as one of the most important girls in Ashton’s life and thus making it impossible for you both to eve get together, but also as his best friend. They are one of those annoyingly adorable couples who are so disgustingly cute together and are super close. You can tell just by looking at them that this relationship is a long term one. You just can’t stand being around them, watching Ashton look at another girl the way you want him to look at you, with those soft, dark green eyes and bright, sunny smile…… It’s heart breaking for you. “Sorry, buddy. Maybe some other time” you tell him, a hint of sadness in your tone. You wish you could be selfish and ask him to come over alone, but you can’t make him choose between you and his girlfriend, mostly because you are scared he’d choose her. “Well what is so important that you can’t come out?” Ashton continues to whinge. “My parents want me to stay home” you lie. Not like he’d ever find out. Ashton sighs heavily, and after a pause says “Ok look, I can reschedule with Kaylee. I really feel like I haven’t seen you in ages, I seriously miss you, (y/n)! Can I come over?” You have never experienced a mood change faster than now, as your frown immediately vanishes and is replaced by a beaming grin. “I suppose that would be okay” you say, trying not to come off as too keen. “Alright, I be there in 10” he replies before hanging up. You put down the phone and do a little happy dance in your living room. You feel kinda bad for Kaylee. This isn’t the first time Ashton has cancelled plans with her so you two could hang out instead. You are actually surprised how alright she seems with it all the time, another annoyingly good quality of her. Oh well, who cares, Ashton is coming over and that’s all that matters.

It is 2 hours after Ashton promised he’d be here and you are starting to get worried and also a little angry. You bet Kaylee is behind this and didn’t let him cancel their plans. You try calling him again but his phone is switched off, contributing more to your confusion. Another 20 minutes later, the door finally rings. Outside your door stands Ashton, his hair a little wet as it is drizzling outside. He wears an expression on his face as if he had been told all pony species have become extinct. “What happened?” you ask him in shock, not used to seeing a not happy Ashton. “Kaylee and I got in a fight. She thinks I spend too much time with you and she is annoyed that I keep cancelling plans with her” he tells you with a growl, as you let him come inside. “Oh. I’m sorry” you say, not feeling that sorry at all. Maybe a little, but only because it means Ashton is upset. “I told her you are important to me and that I need to spend more time with you because i’ve been away for so long, but she thinks I have feeling for you or something” he continues to explain, rolling his eyes and he collapses onto the couch. “Huh” is all you can respond, bitterness swelling within you because of Ashton’s dismissive attitude about Kaylee’s theory of him having feelings for you. Of course you know he doesn’t have any, but hearing him speak about it as if it was the most ludicrous thing in the world does sting just a little. “I told her she was being silly and SHE is the one I love but she just doesn’t listen” he sighs. “Love?” you repeat. More daggers stab your heart, inflicting paralysing pain upon it. “Yeah…..” he nods sadly, his gaze trailing sadly to his shirt  as he plays with its hem. “I’m sorry, Ash. I’m sure you’ll work it out” you tell him, sitting next to him and giving him a hug, breathing in his scent, the warmth of his body transducting onto your own. “I guess so. It’s hard though. She is such a wonderful girl, but she just gets so jealous for no reason. It’s tiring!” he confesses. “But you guys seem like the perfect couple” you say. “We are, most of the time. But her jealousy really gets in the way. I don’t know whether I want to put up with it anymore. I can’t even go out with the boys for rehearsal without her calling me at least 3 times to check whether i’m actually at band practice. I know she is insecure because she’s been cheated on before, but I would never do that to her!” he pours his little heart out. “Of course you wouldn’t” you agree, patting his back affectionately. “You can work it out” you assure him, hating seeing Ashton down like this. You just want him to be happy. “I guess so” he sighs, running is hand through his thick, chestnut hair. “Don’t worry” you tell him, kissing him on the cheek. That’s apparently as close as you’ll get for a long time….

5 Seconds of Summer Preferences & Imagines [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now