You Meet His Parents

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Ashton: "You’re gonna be fine," Ashton chuckles, rubbing your arms soothingly. "My mom’s gonna love you." "Do you think this dress is too fancy?" You ask, ignoring him. "I think it’s perfect," he replies with a confident smile. "Maybe it’s too short," you mutter, examining yourself in the mirror. "We’re gonna be late," Ashton laughs, pulling your hand. "Fine," you sigh, looking yourself over once more before following Ashton to the car. You pull into his mom’s driveway minutes later and take a deep breath, making Ashton laugh. "Relax," he chuckles. "I can’t," you reply seriously. "Then let’s go," he says, hopping out of the car and hurrying over to open your door. He takes your hand and leads you to the door, ringing the doorbell and rubbing circles on your hand to calm you down. "Relax," he whispers as the door opens. "Ashton!" His mom squeals, hugging him tightly. "Hi, mom," he laughs, pulling away. "This is Y/n," he says, gesturing toward you. "She’s even more beautiful than you described her," Mrs. Irwin whispers before pulling you into a hug as well. "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Irwin," you greet, hugging her back. You pull away and notice two younger kids peeking around the corner. "Hi!" You say with a wave, "I’m Y/n!" They wave back nervously and you chuckle, turning back to Ashton and letting him lead you into the dining room.

Michael: You watch from the wings as Michael performs when two adults come up to you, looking vaguely familiar. “Excuse me,” the woman says, “Do you know how many more songs 5 Seconds of Summer will perform?” You look her over, trying to remember where you recognize her from as you reply, “This is their last song.” “Great, thank you,” she says with a smile, “We wanted to surprise our son, but weren’t sure when he’d be done.” “Your Michael’s parents!” You blurt without thinking. “Yes,” she laughs, “Are you a fan of his?” “Um, I am, but well, I’m his girlfriend,” you explain, blushing. “Of course!” She says excitedly, “I thought you looked familiar!” “I’m Y/n,” you introduce, sticking your hand out to shake Mr. and Mrs. Clifford’s. “How is Michael?” Mr. Clifford asks. “He’s great!” You say, nodding. “He misses home, though. I’m sure he’ll be so happy you’re here.” You glance out on the stage to see the boys gathering their things and beginning to exit the stage. “Does he respect you?” Mrs. Clifford asks seriously. “What? Uh, of course,” you stutter, startled by the question. “That’s good,” she confirms, “That’s how we raised him.” “You did a great job,” you compliment, “He’s really a great guy.” “Am I?” You hear a voice behind you before Michael comes up beside you. He greets his parents, hugging them both. “I see you met Y/n,” he says with a nod, “Don’t scare her off.”

Luke: Luke pushes you down on the couch, kissing you roughly. You pull his shirt over his head and wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him closer against your body. He begins to unbutton your shirt, his fingers fumbling and slipping. You kiss his jaw and grind your hips against his, making him moan and pull focus from your shirt. “Forget it,” he mumbles, ripping the last few buttons and leaving your shirt open. He kisses at the exposed skin of your chest, sucking gently. “Oh!” You hear a voice squeal. Luke sits up instantly and you look over to see his mother in the doorway. “Mom!” He shouts in surprise, “I didn’t know you’d be here.” “Sorry,” she sighs, flushed. “Er, this is Y/n,” he says, motioning toward you. You untangle your legs from Luke’s and stand up, pulling your shirt tightly around you as you reach out to shake Liz’s hand. “Nice to meet you,” you mutter, blushing. “Luke’s told me great things about you,” she replies with a gracious smile. “Oh, thank you,” you laugh, smiling at Luke. “We should get coffee some time,” Liz suggests, “I’d love to get to talk to you.” “That’d be good,” you say with a nod. A silence falls and you glance down at your clothes, a fresh wave of embarrassment washing over you. “Mom,” Luke mutters, “Um, now isn’t the best time.” “Oh! Right, so sorry dear!” She chuckles, blushing. “Luke, please make good choices,” she adds before hurrying out of the room. “That was so embarrassing,” you mutter, hiding your face in your hands.

Calum: “I’m gonna be sick,” you mumble as Calum leads you up the driveway toward his parents’ house. Calum chuckles, shaking his head. “What if they don’t like me?” You whisper weakly. “They’ll love you,” he assures you as he opens the door, leading you into the Hood’s annual Christmas party. “Calum!” A voice shouts excitedly before his sister flings her arms around him, hugging him tightly. “This must be Y/n,” she says once she releases her brother, “I’m Mali.” “Nice to meet you,” you breathe nervously, shaking her hand. “Mom! Come meet Calum’s girlfriend!” She yells over her shoulder. “Come on,” she says, grabbing your hand and pulling you through the house with Calum close behind you. She stops in the kitchen and Calum’s mom looks up from the dishes in front of her. “This is Y/n?” She asks Calum. “Yeah,” Calum laughs. “Nice to finally meet you,” Mrs. Hood greets you with a warm hug. “You too! Do you need any help?” You offer, observing the dishes scattered across the counter. “That’d be lovely,” she says with a grateful smile, “Why don’t you start frosting cookies?” You nod and begin the work, making small talk with Mali and Mrs. Hood as Calum stands by looking bored. “Cal, you don’t have to babysit me,” you laugh, “I’m fine. Go enjoy the party.” “Are you sure?” He asks, looking at you with concern. “Oh go on, Calum! Let us get to know Y/n without you here,” Mrs. Hood chimes in. “Okay,” Calum sighs. He pecks your cheek quickly and you tap his nose with frosting, giggling as he frowns at you before leaving you to get to know his sister and mom.

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